今日は彼ん家でやる毎年恒例のお餅つき。みんなでワイワイ飲んだり、食べたり、おしゃべりしながらお餅をつく。楽しかった♪ but man, so much hard work. i have a blister now. the bf's dad kept trying to put superglue on it. it's his magic medicine for all cuts and such. lol. but yea, it was nice hanging out with the bf and his family and other people. i think they actually might like me :)
omg, there was this 2 year old girl there. she was so adorable!!! でも、お世話が大変。もう、元気が有り余ってるし、まだ2歳だからわがまま言いたい放題。ついて行くのがやっと。年だわ~。(笑)でも、ホントメッチャかわいい。she loved it when i spun her around in circles. such a cutie!
and man, there was so much food. for lunch, we had ribs, spam musubi, chicken, and some korean kimchi stuff. it was all soooooo goooooodd. いっぱい食べちゃった!ダイエット台無し...but the bf's sisters eat a lot too so i didn't feel too left out! :) hehe.
fun day, but tomorrow, i know imma have sore muscles. haha.
Currently listening to: Replay - Rock City feat. iQ
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