got some dim sum for lunch yesterday. :) YUMMY! hehe. went to a place called New Capital Seafood in San Gabriel. そこそこ美味しかった~。中華粥が特に。but man, the service was pretty baddd. the people there keep speaking to you in chinese. and when i go "sorry, i don't speak chinese", they look at you like you're the dumbest thing to cross their paths. ugh. I'M NOT CHINESE!! >:(

そんで、いざ食べようと思ったら、お醤油がない。so we asked for some. we had to ask a second time until they would give it to us. UGH! come on, is it really that difficult!? those waiters are so rude.
but overall, the place was pretty cheap. we had like 13 different dishes and the total came out to be about $30. でも、明細みると何か妙なことが書いてある、、、a charge of $3.89 (or something like that) for tea & sauce. o_O i understand that a lot of places are now charging for tea. (not that it makes it less irritating. what next, water??) but SAUCE?? 何だよ、それ!何のソースだよ?? is is the soy sauce that we asked for?? but isn't that basic in dim sum?? or is it that chili sauce thing that you put on the table regardless of whether we ask for it or not?? then shouldn't the restaurant have to tell you that they'll charge you for it and therefore, whether we want it or not??? so dumb. whatever. it was still pretty cheap.
i also finished the house invetory from the fire yesterday. finally -___- took a while. 疲れた。多すぎ。わからない物も多いし。でも、とりあえず終わった。all we need to do now is send it in and see how much they'll give us for it. whoopie.
Currently listening to: Nickelback - Hero
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