今日は日本語ガッコの子達とお食事会~。it was so much fun. :) plus, i got to meet my friends' fiance, who is a really interesting guy. very sarcastic and a lot of fun to talk to. hehe.
anyways, the plan was this: we met up at the nijiya in hacienda at around 7 and then moved on to the restaurant. Earthen Restaurant っていう中華屋さん。まぁまぁ美味しかった。sucks that it's cash only tho. but yea, there were 6 of us and the total came out to about $60 so it wasn't that expensive. お持ち帰りもいっぱいあったし。

oh, and i was also able to take some purikura~. 久しぶり~♪ 楽しかった!it was the kinda where they play you music and you can dance to it and take puri. ウチらは大塚愛の「さくらんぼ」で挑戦。it was interesting. haha.

Currently listening to: さくらんぼ - 大塚愛
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