so, today is the last day of my weekend without my mom, who happens to be out of country. hehe. yeay! so, i finished finals on thursday and headed back to my hometown that night. その夜はお父さんと姉とお鍋した~。うましでしたね。
friday, i went to the mall to do some shopping. got a lot of christmas shopping done. but so much monies went down the drain... o wells, i guess its just something that's inevitable. でも、久しぶりに運転してちょっと緊張した。but hey, at least parking wasn't a hassle since i went kinda early. plus, the malls not that far. lol
then on saturday, i went to the california science center with the bf and sis. i have a feeling i've been there before in the past.... i think... lol. あんまり覚えてないや。ま、とにかく楽しかった。結構色々あって面白かった。but we didn't pay to visit the exhibits that needed $$. just the free ones. still, it was fun. sadly, it was raining so couldn't get to see the rose garden. でも、IMAX 見れたからいいけどね。dude, it was so intense. we watched "Underneath the Sea 3D". 面白かったよ!!
and today, we went up to the mountains. too bad it wasn't snowing. -___- 雪めっちゃ期待してたのに。で、結局川原でお昼食べて、少し遊んだだけ。ま、イイ気分転換にはなったけどね。other than that, went to the mall again to do a little more christmas shopping.
overall, it was a nice weekend that i got to spend with the bf without the constant interruption from my mom. ま、ウザイ姉はいたけどね。it's almost christmas!!
Currently listening to: All I Want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
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