今日は久しぶりに長距離走った。メッチャ緊張した。esp. with my mom sitting in the passenger seat. plus, my car is kinda big. ew. i hate that minivan.
anyways, had to drive all the way to costa mesa. 遠かった~。and the carpool lane on the 605 is kinda scary. wherever there's an overpass, the base is scarily close to the car. and there was this one car that kept tailing me. probably bc i was going 75 in the carpool. でも、ほかのレーンも空いてるし別に遅くないし。my mom kept telling me to slow down to 70. ま、でも何とか無事着きました。
oh, and before i forget, I AM GOING ON A DIET!!! このままではダメです。どんどん太ってる。no more snacks, sweets, etc. and i will try to move as much as possible. but yea, for now, cutting back on the snacking. このボンッ!ボンッ!ボンッ!の体型をボンッ!キュッ!ボンッ!に変えるぞぉぉぉぉぉぉ。シャ~!
Currently listening to: Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
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