my new lover :)

HOT HOT HOT!!! and amazingly talented as well. he is hot, sexy, and super cute. his awesome voice adds a nice touch to all of that. after watching "You're Beautiful", i am hooked on this hottie! マジで、演技うまいし、歌もうまいし、その上時にはかっこよく、時には可愛くでもう、メロメロです。*sigh* how can anyone be so amazing? i actually haven't crazed this much about someone since... HYDE! isn't that crazy?? i'm actually comparing this guy to hyde. my hyde-sama!! lol.

he showed off some amazing acting skills in "You're Beautiful". 面白し、俺様だし、かっこいいし、かわいい。全部だよね。and he sings!! hehe. not just as A.N.Jell but solos as well. i've been listening to a couple of his songs and they're really good :) ugh, now i want to learn korean. いつかね。
Currently listening to: Black Engine - Jang Geun Suk
i was googling jang geun seuk and hyde to see who else think he resembles hyde (face-wise and voice-wise)
hahaha then i stumbled on your blog ;D
haha. yea, i think they have a bit of a resemblence but not many people seem to agree with me...
either way, i think they're both hot as heck! :D
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