久しぶりにしゃぶしゃぶ食べたぁ。it was so good. 特に、この寒い季節の鍋はいいよねぇ。体の心から温まるぅ。too bad the bf doesn't like onabe in general. that really bites. i mean, it's sooooo gooooood. i LOVE onabe. キムチ鍋、石狩鍋、すき焼き、モツ鍋、餃子鍋、などなど。うまし!lol
ugh. gots to go back to writing my research paper for film class. 6-8 pages. not that bad. but i haven't started on it and it's due wednesday. haha. gots so much reading to do for the research part... -_- i like that class, since we get to watch a lot of movies. like recently, we watched "Trouble in Paradise" which was interesting. it was a talkie and about this con artist couple. 面白い部分もあって、ちょっとコメディーっぽかった。dude, the girls back then were really skinny tooooooo. i wish i were... *sigh* back to work!!
Currently listening to: The Saltwater Room - Owl City
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