Focus is this little Japanese cafe that i went to today. had to go meet a friend of my mom's with her at the place. it's located in little tokyo, on the second floor of the plaza right next to the UBOC. 分かりにくいかな?あの、「JUNGLE」とかいうアニメ屋さんがあるところの上。(笑)
so, we ended up sitting there for nearly 4 hours. -_____- wasn't planning on staying that long but whatever. on the plus side, go to eat there too. my mom and i shared the カツサンド and きのこ和風ハンバーグ. it was really good!! びっくりした~。特にポテト。it's cut into wedges. and it's also lightly seasoned. mmmm good. hehe.
they also have lots and lots of manga. 漫画喫茶並みではないけど、そこそこの量。and on top of that, they have karaoke tooooo!! never got to try it and didn't find out the price but want to go back to try it. カラオケ大好き!早く行きたいなぁ。
Currently listening to: あなたに... - モンゴル800
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