Sunday, January 24, 2010


リトル東京のホンダプラザに新しく和風中華屋さんができた。so the family and i decided to give it a try. since we all like chinese food :)

「満天」って言うところで、ホンダプラザの一番奥にある。メニューを見ると以外と豊富。but, if you get an entree, it doesn't come with rice. so you have to order it. お昼に行ったから、もうちょっと定職っぽいのがあると思ったのに。。。週末はお弁当もないし。仕方なく、麺類にすることにした。
ジャージャー麺を頼んだ。it was pretty good. but even though we were the only customers there, it took quite a while for the food to come. and even when it did, the first dish (my sisters) came and then it took another 10 mins for the next one to come. not very efficient... ジャージャー麺は以外と野菜が多かった。肉味噌にもいっぱい細かく切った野菜が。歯ごたえがあっていいかもだけど、もっとお肉が多いほうがよかった。i might go back. maybe for lunch during the week to try their bento.

Currently listening to: Bad - Michael Jackson

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