wow. these past 3 days have been crazyy. soo much going on. let's get started:
had a small nomikai at my apartment. we got some kyochon, some alcohol, some guys, and rock band. この日はそこそこ飲んだ。had 3 bottles of smirnoff ice (don't do it, the carbonation almost killed me...) and a bit of coke and soco mix that my friend was drinking. rock band was fun. あんまりゲームは遊ばないけど、アレは結構面白かった。all the more fun if you know the songs. haha.

another small gathering at a friends house. it was a "game night" where all the guys freakin' brought all their consoles and were having fun. -___- 超つまんない。女友達が来るまで何もすることなかった。but after my girlfriend showed up, it was fine. we did so much talking. 久しぶりにあんなにおしゃべりした。:) afterwards tho, the bf and i had a huge fight over why i was in such a pissy mood that night. well no duh, he just freakin' left me to play games. stupid guys... but it's okay, we had an amazing night that night when i slept over at his place ;)
朝から映画。安いから。saw "Sherlock Holmes" with the oh so sexy Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. it was interesting but difficult to understand that old british accent. whatever, they were hot. :) その後はお父さんと姉とでタイ料理。it's this place called thai paradise. decent. you get a lot for your price. んで、その後はまた大喧嘩。彼と。別れる寸前、てか一応別れるところまで行った。ま、結局何とか仲直りしたんだけどね。馬鹿みたいね。

Currently listening to: Just Drag - Jang Geun Suk
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