行ってきた~。楽しかった~。went with the bf and another friend and we skating for practically 1.5 hours straight. もうみんな運動不足でしたね。笑っちゃうくらい。but yea, we had fun. after a while, there was just way too many people and we decided to leave.
そして、案の定筋肉痛です。(笑)plus, my ankles kinda hurt from the skates. does that mean i have to tighten them a little more?? oh well. i feel bad for the bf. he had もちつき with his family that day too so his arms are in pain too. おかわいそうに。早くまた行きたいな~。Currently listening to: Candyshop - Akon
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
皆様、この聖なる夜をどうお過ごしですか?私は午前中に彼と会い、夜は家族でキムチ鍋を突っつきました~。変ですか?クリスマスにキムチ鍋って?either way, i hope everyone was able to have a wonderful christmas. :)
so, now, i was bored and watching some videos. haha. kind of a sad christmas, isn't it?? well, i finished SCANDAL and 夢を叶えるゾウ。both were so-so. and omg!! 相棒で亀ちゃんがやめた...マジ泣いた。あの名コンビはいつしか復活するのでしょうか?
also, i watched an episode of smapxsmap. 冬に聞きたい名曲歌謡際。it was actually pretty good. ゲストに石原さとみが出てた。the bf likes her. haha. i think she got a bit thinner, which makes her look better. 前はもっとぽっちゃりしてたような気が。。。
there were some pretty good songs. *spoiler alert* some of the singers were...
etc, etc.
it's definitely worth watching if you like some old japanese songs~. for now, maybe i'll go to sleep. still kinda sick. my throat is killing me... -_-
Currently listening to: 世界にひとつだけの花 - 槇原敬之xSMAP
so, now, i was bored and watching some videos. haha. kind of a sad christmas, isn't it?? well, i finished SCANDAL and 夢を叶えるゾウ。both were so-so. and omg!! 相棒で亀ちゃんがやめた...マジ泣いた。あの名コンビはいつしか復活するのでしょうか?
also, i watched an episode of smapxsmap. 冬に聞きたい名曲歌謡際。it was actually pretty good. ゲストに石原さとみが出てた。the bf likes her. haha. i think she got a bit thinner, which makes her look better. 前はもっとぽっちゃりしてたような気が。。。
there were some pretty good songs. *spoiler alert* some of the singers were...
etc, etc.
it's definitely worth watching if you like some old japanese songs~. for now, maybe i'll go to sleep. still kinda sick. my throat is killing me... -_-
Currently listening to: 世界にひとつだけの花 - 槇原敬之xSMAP
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Eff-ing tired and sick :(
i am soooo tired... =_=. it doesn't help that i'm sick like crazy. 鼻はたらたらで涙目で、my ears feel like they're constantly popping. is that weird?? i hope not.
こんな状況で San Diego まで、運転して戻ってきました。ことの発端はお母さんが免許を財布ごと家に忘れたこと。we figured that out when we got to a gas station and needed to pay. so, my mom says i should drive. i was like, 'no way! i'm so sick...' so, my mom compromises and decides to drive to newport, where we grabbed a bite to eat. その後は私が運転。レストランの駐車場を出て、お母さんの好きなコーヒー屋さんに向かう。after that, down to san diego we go.
san diego についてショッピングして、お母さんの知り合いに会って、帰る。and omg! the traffic was so bad. all the while, my mom is bitching at me about my driving, another reason why i didn't want to drive. 行きしなんてサイアク。she kept telling me to keep the speed at around 70 but あそこって浮き沈み激しいの。だから難しいの。i literally had tears rolling down my cheeks as i was driving. もうヤダ。
now, i am so sick that i am going to drug myself and go to sleep. after i finish my laundry... -_-
oh yes, the heater broke so it's freezing. isn't it fun being sick??
Currently listening to: 風 - Funky Monkey Babys
Monday, December 22, 2008
Slumdog Millionaire
soo~~ the mom came home today. i know. -_- anyways, so i drove in the rain to pick her up and she complained like hell about my driving. うるさい!って感じ。イヤなら自分で運転しろ!!!
and then tonight, i went to watch "Slumdog Millionaire" with the bf. it was pretty good. i liked it :) ちょっと最初はついて行きにくかったけどね。it's a cute love story with lots of twists and turns. maybe, the reason why i found it so good was because it was the first foreign movie i had seen in American theaters. 日本の映画館では日本の映画みたことあるけど、他の foreign 映画はクラスとかでしか見たことないと思う。i really recommend this movie! :)
で、クリスマスプレゼントもらった~。彼から。2 cute shirts from charlotte russe. we might return one of them bc the bf doesn't like it too much. 個人的にはどっちもカワイイと思う。ま、初めて彼が選んでくれたっていうのもあるけど。
あ!!そういえば、土曜日は久しぶりに友達と会った。やっぱ女子同士だとしゃべる、しゃべる。あはは。the bf and his friend got tired of waiting for us and actually left. lol. 楽しかった~。初めて T.G.I. Fridays に行った。結構おいしかった。楽しい週末でした~♪
Currently listening to: Womanizer - Britney Spears
and then tonight, i went to watch "Slumdog Millionaire" with the bf. it was pretty good. i liked it :) ちょっと最初はついて行きにくかったけどね。it's a cute love story with lots of twists and turns. maybe, the reason why i found it so good was because it was the first foreign movie i had seen in American theaters. 日本の映画館では日本の映画みたことあるけど、他の foreign 映画はクラスとかでしか見たことないと思う。i really recommend this movie! :)
で、クリスマスプレゼントもらった~。彼から。2 cute shirts from charlotte russe. we might return one of them bc the bf doesn't like it too much. 個人的にはどっちもカワイイと思う。ま、初めて彼が選んでくれたっていうのもあるけど。
あ!!そういえば、土曜日は久しぶりに友達と会った。やっぱ女子同士だとしゃべる、しゃべる。あはは。the bf and his friend got tired of waiting for us and actually left. lol. 楽しかった~。初めて T.G.I. Fridays に行った。結構おいしかった。楽しい週末でした~♪
Currently listening to: Womanizer - Britney Spears
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
みなさ~ん!あいのりって番組知ってますか??it's been on air for quite a while. i remember watching it a bit when it first started. that was when they were still filming in japan. 今となっては国際的になってきたからね。最近また見始めて今はヨルダンにいるバスワゴン。
anyways, シュレックが失恋した~。こっちもちょー泣けた。かわいそう...桃も絶対シュレックの気持ち知ってるのに見せ付けるみたいにしたのがちょっとイヤ。i feel really bad for him. he had to watch all that lovey dovey-ness. めっちゃ泣いて凹んでいた。
恋愛ってやっぱ始めるのは難しいね。私は彼とは幼なじみなんですけど、一緒にガッコに行ってたときはまさか付き合うなんて思ってなかった。he used to be such an a-hole. seriously. one of the most annoying guys i have ever known. lol. 今となってはダイスキだけどね。
ただ、今でも罪悪感がある。彼の元カノは一緒のクラスにいたコ。when we were in class together, there was nothing going on. apparently, they got together after i graduated. (they're both younger than me) で、卒業したその年の冬にあったらもう付き合ってた、みたいな?全然知らなくて驚いたんだけどね。
で、元カノの父親が二人が付き合うことに反対してたみたい。それで、色々相談乗ってたら結構仲良くなって...but obviously, we both didn't have any feelings for each other at this point. で、二人が別れたすぐ後に告白されて付き合うことになった。but. it feels really bad. 元カノちゃんとはそこそこ仲良かったし、別れてすぐだったからなんかやっぱ罪悪感。だって、apparently, キライで別れたわけじゃないから。余計にね。あいのりで男は引きづるって言ってたけど、あれってやっぱ本当かな?彼は今だって元カノちゃんの写真大切に保管してるし。何か、そういうの知ると罪悪感倍増、みたいな?やっぱ悪いことしたかな?って思う。だって、向こうも同じ感じなのかな?って考える。マジで最低じゃん、私。ま、今後二人でいるときに会わないことを願うだけですな。
Currently listening to: 涙空 - GReeeeN
Monday, December 15, 2008
updates って言うほど大袈裟なモンでもないけど。ま、色々私の好きな音楽のビデオを足しました。i hope people can enjoy those music videos. i'm not a tech savvy person so until today, i did not know you can do that. lol. 悲しいでしょ?ちょー今時だとは思うんですが、できました!:)so, i was looking at the JUJU music video, 「素直になれたら」。very good song. anyways, 映像の最中にメール文みたいに文章が出てくる。i actually watched the video twice to make sure i read every single one of those. and i came to a conclusion. 女の子だったらほとんどがうなずける文章だった。女の子の気持ちをものすごい的確に捉えてる。some of my favorites:
全部良いけど厳選した5つだけ載せます。是非!PV見てください。本当なら全部載せたいくらいだもん。i really love this song and PV. the phrase i love most from this song is, 「君のすべてになりたくて、信じてたいの。」 分かる~って感じ?(笑)
i hope you enjoy the other videos as well. they're all really good songs! :)
Currently listening to: 素直になれたら - JUJU feat. Spontania
全部良いけど厳選した5つだけ載せます。是非!PV見てください。本当なら全部載せたいくらいだもん。i really love this song and PV. the phrase i love most from this song is, 「君のすべてになりたくて、信じてたいの。」 分かる~って感じ?(笑)
i hope you enjoy the other videos as well. they're all really good songs! :)
Currently listening to: 素直になれたら - JUJU feat. Spontania
事故っちゃいました。マジで。相手は...a garbage can. my neighborhood has trash pickup today so there are a couple of trash cans lining my street. i clipped one and ended up with a flat tire. 最悪だった。パニックで彼に電話したら直留守。gahhhhhh!!! so i call his 仕事先 and manage to get a hold of him. he tells me he'll come right away since he was just finishing his shift. (isn't he so nice?? :) )
so, the bf comes along to help me change the tire. it's raining, mind you, so it's freezing cold. いろいろやった結果、ほかの tools が必要だと判明し、友達を呼ぶことになった。in the end, it takes us until 2 a.m. to get the tire off. 寒かった。雨はちょー降るし。
Currently listening to: 恋のマイアヒ - オゾン
so, the bf comes along to help me change the tire. it's raining, mind you, so it's freezing cold. いろいろやった結果、ほかの tools が必要だと判明し、友達を呼ぶことになった。in the end, it takes us until 2 a.m. to get the tire off. 寒かった。雨はちょー降るし。
Currently listening to: 恋のマイアヒ - オゾン
Thursday, December 11, 2008
i'm not sure how or why animals/humans turn out albino. but albino animals are really really pretty. え!?こんな動物も!?って思うぐらい色々いる。特にキレイだなぁって思ったのが孔雀<クジャク>:
for more pictures of albino animals, click here. it'll be worth it :)
for more pictures of albino animals, click here. it'll be worth it :)
p.s. my condolences go out to the victims of the jet fighter crash in San Diego. for more on this, click here.
Currently listening to: Dream Fighter - PerfumeWednesday, December 10, 2008
my mom left for japan today~. you know what that means??? lots and lots of free time with no restrictions~. やった~!!!!!!マジでちょーうれしい。
i drove mom to the airport today. she was so mean... :( 初心者だからもうちょっとやさしくしてよ~。she says i brake too late. she's like, 「そのうちつこっむよ」 lol それだけは避けたいね。and then there's the tailgating. it's not like i'm trying to tailgate, it just ends up like that. haha. i need to be more careful. i think i did a better job driving home. i still need to get used to lane changing on the freeway. あれ結構難しいね。my mom's like, 「これだけ色々言われたら運転上手になるでしょ?」。はい。ごもっともです。ありがとうございます。
というわけで、although i have another final tomorrow and should study, 寝ます。何でも好き勝手できるってシアワセねぇ。
Currently listening to: Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
i drove mom to the airport today. she was so mean... :( 初心者だからもうちょっとやさしくしてよ~。she says i brake too late. she's like, 「そのうちつこっむよ」 lol それだけは避けたいね。and then there's the tailgating. it's not like i'm trying to tailgate, it just ends up like that. haha. i need to be more careful. i think i did a better job driving home. i still need to get used to lane changing on the freeway. あれ結構難しいね。my mom's like, 「これだけ色々言われたら運転上手になるでしょ?」。はい。ごもっともです。ありがとうございます。
というわけで、although i have another final tomorrow and should study, 寝ます。何でも好き勝手できるってシアワセねぇ。
Currently listening to: Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
Sunday, December 7, 2008
And finally, we come to the stomach
生理痛マジ勘弁。つ~か~れ~る~。am i pmsing?? maybe. let's just hope i don't take it out on the bf. poor guy. has to always deal with me... でもさ、女の子は皆こんな面倒くさいモノと毎月ご対面せなアカンねん。マジでめっちゃダルイねん。オトコどもにコノ辛さが分かってたまるもんかっちゅうねん。ホンマ、大変なんやで?絶対分かってないやろ?その上出産!?何でやねん!?めちゃめちゃ不公平やんけ。if you ask some religious butt head, they'll be like it's the women's fault because Eve ate that stupid apple or whatever it was that she ate. こちとらに言わせてもらえば、ソレが何か?って感じ。ウチらと全然カンケーないんですけど?知るか!?そんなこと。神は皆平等ちゃうんけ??話ちゃうやん。だから宗教ってうさんくさいねん。
so, i went on a bit of a rant there. whatever. i AM pmsing. too bad for the bf. hope he comes out of this week alive. on a brighter note, my mom is leaving soon. HOORAY!! :)
Currently listening to: 扉 - GReeeeN
so, i went on a bit of a rant there. whatever. i AM pmsing. too bad for the bf. hope he comes out of this week alive. on a brighter note, my mom is leaving soon. HOORAY!! :)
Currently listening to: 扉 - GReeeeN
Saturday, December 6, 2008
忙しい人でしょ?(笑)omg... i had the scariest experience driving today... マジでヤバイ。心臓バクバクいってる。怖かった。何があったといいますと...
so, i was trying to get on to the 10 freeway. it's a pretty tight curve and i guess i was taking it with too much speed. (i drive a pretty big car, keep in mind) so, i slammed the breaks and almost came to a stop. well, as you might know, that's not a good idea in california. i quickly checked behind me to see if there were any cars coming and thank goodness, there weren't. either way, i kinda rushed and pressed the gas too hard. 焦ってたの!テンパっちゃたの!so obviously, the car jerks forward and i accidentally go into the other lane!! obviously, the other lane is the lane for those exiting the freeway. i panicked and turned my car back into the right lane. 怖かった~。手の震えが止まらなかったもん。both times, i went over that small tiny island type thing they have in the middle so it also made this big THUMP noise. probably one of the most scariest moments in my life.
Currently listening to: I kissed a girl - Katy Perry
so, i was trying to get on to the 10 freeway. it's a pretty tight curve and i guess i was taking it with too much speed. (i drive a pretty big car, keep in mind) so, i slammed the breaks and almost came to a stop. well, as you might know, that's not a good idea in california. i quickly checked behind me to see if there were any cars coming and thank goodness, there weren't. either way, i kinda rushed and pressed the gas too hard. 焦ってたの!テンパっちゃたの!so obviously, the car jerks forward and i accidentally go into the other lane!! obviously, the other lane is the lane for those exiting the freeway. i panicked and turned my car back into the right lane. 怖かった~。手の震えが止まらなかったもん。both times, i went over that small tiny island type thing they have in the middle so it also made this big THUMP noise. probably one of the most scariest moments in my life.
Currently listening to: I kissed a girl - Katy Perry
Friday, December 5, 2008
考えること多すぎ!my mom is going to japan next week (lucky bastard) but i have so much to think about, it's not even funny... =_= there's finals, for one. i can't afford to do bad since i was STD (Subject to Dismissal :0) and so, i really need to try. でも、多分あんまりマジメに勉強しないと思う...大体そうだし。悪い癖。
on top of that, my mom decides to go all the way down to SD on sunday to visit some peeps. -_-; 私関係ないのに。ついていくハメになってる...めんどくせぇ。i swear, i hate how everything revolves around my mom... it's not fair. this means i can't see the bf at all this weekend. マジサイアク。
then, there's christmas. i know it's supposed to be fun but i don't think i can enjoy it until finals are done. as of now, i'm depressed thinking about what presents to get for whom. 冬休みは絶対ちょー遊んでやる。じゃなきゃ死んじゃう。
Currently listening to: Unfaithful - Rihanna
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
uhhh... PORNO!?
every now and then, there are free screenings at UCLA in the Grand Ballroom. well, tonight, there was one and yes, it was a porno. "Pirates II". heard of it? maybe the guys mighta heard of the first one and are highly anticipating this one. ま、所詮オトコだしね。but yea, talk about awkward.... and after the screening, there's a Q&A session with the director and some of the cast. っていうか何質問すんだ???っていうか誰が見んだ!?i swear, it's probably gonna be all guys and like a mass masturbation fest or something like that. マジで。誰があんなもん上映しようなんて思ったんだ??理解不能。
正直、見ないわけではない。どっちかって言うと好きかも?it depends. but yea. たまに見る。一人でするときで何もなしがイヤな時は見るね。but i would not want to watch it with a room full of other people. that is just way too awkward.... not my thing. haha. でも、trailer 見てちょっと見たいと思った。(笑)結構よくできてる。さすが一番お金がかかったAVなだけあるわ。あはは。
there was one guy in my class who was all psyched about going. i hope he was able to enjoy it. :) click here for the trailer and info.
Currently Listening to: ONE - 鈴木亜美
正直、見ないわけではない。どっちかって言うと好きかも?it depends. but yea. たまに見る。一人でするときで何もなしがイヤな時は見るね。but i would not want to watch it with a room full of other people. that is just way too awkward.... not my thing. haha. でも、trailer 見てちょっと見たいと思った。(笑)結構よくできてる。さすが一番お金がかかったAVなだけあるわ。あはは。
there was one guy in my class who was all psyched about going. i hope he was able to enjoy it. :) click here for the trailer and info.
Currently Listening to: ONE - 鈴木亜美
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i have to do some papers but i am soooooooooo lazyyyyyyyyy =_=. iyaaaaaaaaaaaaa. lol. finals are coming up~. and then after that, WINTER BREAK!! 楽しみ♪ でも、今年のクリスマスも彼は仕事。コンヤロー!!oh well. he gets extra pay since its a holiday and he needs it. he's got some debt and car payments to pay... ガンバレ。
it's been pretty foggy lately. what is up!? it makes it that much cold... マフラー家に忘れたからちょっと不便なのよね~。
ま、そんなこんなで今週はやや大変かな?i am soooo tiredddddd. better do my papers. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Currently listening to: I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
it's been pretty foggy lately. what is up!? it makes it that much cold... マフラー家に忘れたからちょっと不便なのよね~。
ま、そんなこんなで今週はやや大変かな?i am soooo tiredddddd. better do my papers. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Currently listening to: I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Monday, December 1, 2008
yesterday & today
so, last night, before coming back to my apartment near school, the bf and i decided to make a pit stop at the griffith observatory. it was supposed to close at 10 and we left his house at around 8 something so we thought we should be fine. *WE THOUGHT* GPS 頼りに進んでみたら、家があるところを曲がって行けという。うちらは「!?」みたいな...(笑)it was impossible. so we used the address that i got online and went from there but it turned out we got to griffith national park. but hey, we got to see the light walk with all this christmas light stuff. めっちゃキレイだったね~。:)
from there, we decided we still might make it to the observatory and eventually find our way there. でも、後5分くらいでしまる時間になっちゃってた。もうホント大変。でも、少し景色と外観見れたからまるっきし時間の無駄ではなかったね。
and then today, went karaoke again~. やっぱ楽しいね~。めちゃめちゃ歌ったぞ~。結構懐かしい曲をいっぱい。スピッツの「チェリー」とか、花・花の「さよなら大好きな人」とか、Kiroro の「最後のキス」とか。歌いまくるのは快感ですな~。:)
later tonight, we also decided to do some driving so we decided to go to angeles crest highway. もうめっちゃぐにゃぐにゃ道で結構怖かった~。but the bf has really good driving skills and lots of experience so it was too bad. もうね!星がめちゃめちゃキレイなの~~~!!!!!!あんなキレイな星空 l.a. ではほとんど見れないよ。the 夜景 was really pretty too~. overall, it was a really nice experience. i feel bad for the bf tho, i made him drive so much and he has work at 8 tomorrow morning. -_- ごめんね?
Currently listening to: So Sick - NeYo
from there, we decided we still might make it to the observatory and eventually find our way there. でも、後5分くらいでしまる時間になっちゃってた。もうホント大変。でも、少し景色と外観見れたからまるっきし時間の無駄ではなかったね。
and then today, went karaoke again~. やっぱ楽しいね~。めちゃめちゃ歌ったぞ~。結構懐かしい曲をいっぱい。スピッツの「チェリー」とか、花・花の「さよなら大好きな人」とか、Kiroro の「最後のキス」とか。歌いまくるのは快感ですな~。:)
later tonight, we also decided to do some driving so we decided to go to angeles crest highway. もうめっちゃぐにゃぐにゃ道で結構怖かった~。but the bf has really good driving skills and lots of experience so it was too bad. もうね!星がめちゃめちゃキレイなの~~~!!!!!!あんなキレイな星空 l.a. ではほとんど見れないよ。the 夜景 was really pretty too~. overall, it was a really nice experience. i feel bad for the bf tho, i made him drive so much and he has work at 8 tomorrow morning. -_- ごめんね?
Currently listening to: So Sick - NeYo
Saturday, November 29, 2008
気になってます!カラオケで歌いたいです!she just recently debuted and her first single is called "PROMiSE". it's reallyx2 good. the bf got me hooked. lol
イギリス人と日本人のハーフなんだって~。だからかやっぱ歌唱力は抜群ね。8歳まで神戸で育ち、(関西!!めっちゃエエで~)18歳ぐらいまでイギリスで育った帰国子女。obviously, her english is really good. unlike most japanese singers who murder their songs by trying to sound hip using english. 頼むから、英語下手ならあんま使うな。(笑)
ま、でもまだ聞いたことがない人は是非とも聞いて欲しいですね。アップテンポで踊れる曲で~す♪ i am really looking forward to singing it at karaoke. hopefully, i don't butcher it with my horrible singing. haha
well, i'm a bit depressed right now so i might go to sleep soon. i was supposed to see my friends today but couldn't. もう、すぐ日程を変更するから、、、中々スケジュール調整が効かない...残念!
Currently listening to: F**k you and your money - MiChi
イギリス人と日本人のハーフなんだって~。だからかやっぱ歌唱力は抜群ね。8歳まで神戸で育ち、(関西!!めっちゃエエで~)18歳ぐらいまでイギリスで育った帰国子女。obviously, her english is really good. unlike most japanese singers who murder their songs by trying to sound hip using english. 頼むから、英語下手ならあんま使うな。(笑)
ま、でもまだ聞いたことがない人は是非とも聞いて欲しいですね。アップテンポで踊れる曲で~す♪ i am really looking forward to singing it at karaoke. hopefully, i don't butcher it with my horrible singing. haha
well, i'm a bit depressed right now so i might go to sleep soon. i was supposed to see my friends today but couldn't. もう、すぐ日程を変更するから、、、中々スケジュール調整が効かない...残念!
Currently listening to: F**k you and your money - MiChi
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy belated thanksgiving & black friday~
HAPPY BELATED THANKSGIVING!!! stuffed full of turkey?? not me. my mom doesn't like turkey. haha.
oh yea~. sexy turkey. lol
oh yea~. sexy turkey. lol
so, today was black friday!! 買い物行った人~??は~い。(笑)i went to circuit city and best buy. i wanted to buy an external hd but they were still a bit too pricey. 何か、結構期待はずれだった~。あんま安くなかった。but the bf bought a gps and a dslr camera. good for him.
でも、おかげでちょー寝不足。だって、昨日夜中に家出て、we did a quick survey of prospective stores. the circuit city we went to had no line but man, frys and best buy were jaw-dropping. the line at frys went once around the building. and the thing is FREAKIN' HUGE!!! すごいな~としか言いようがない。皆さん必死ね。
んで、その後いったん、彼ん家に帰って、2時過ぎぐらいに寝て、6時ぐらいに起きた。(本当は5時に起きるはずが...彼が目覚まし止めてそのまま爆睡。バカでしょ?笑)and i have been up since. i guess i'm on this weird high right now due to the lack of sleep but i'm sure by 10, maybe even 9, i'll be dead. haha.
anyways, hope everyone was able to get some good deals and some quality family time. thank you. :)
currently listening to: PROMiSE - MiChi
Sunday, November 23, 2008
明日、来るはずだった彼が来ない...ま、自分のせいっちゃあ自分のせいなんだけどね。i don't know... for some reason, i have a hard time saying what i really want to say, even to the bf. ためちゃうんだよね。何か、損してる気がする。
っていうか、ココロが狭いんだよね~。i think the reason why i got kinda irritated was because he said he was going to be late tonight because he was going to talk to his friend. i don't mind them talking. but why are you going to be so late!? 私もしゃべりたい!って思っちゃう。何であっちとはそんなにしゃべって、私とはあんまりしゃべらないの?それでなくてもあんまり共通点がないことがコンプレックスなのに。私といて楽しいのかな?元々つまらない人間だし?i can be a bit clingy... (ok, maybe very clingy...) 特技なんてないし。家族はめちゃくちゃだし。相手として絶対不足してると思う。
こんなどうしようもない女のどこがいいのでしょう?big mystery. if i were a guy, i don't think i would choose myself for a gf. and i'm so dependent on him. 最低の彼女だね。そんな私を選んでくれたあなたは私にとってかけがえのない存在です。いつもいつもごめんね?そして、ありがとう。できれば、これからも末永くよろしくお願いいたします。
~edit @ 8:44 a.m. on Monday, November 24~
so, my mom just left me a voicemail telling me that she's mad at me because i forgot to deposit some stupid checks (my sisters, not mine.... why me? i don't know...) and i forgot to put her jackets away (ok, she'd been telling me to do so since last week but i am freaking busy. i really think she should do SOMETHING instead of sitting on her fat butt doing sudoku all day. maybe that's why she can't shed those pounds that she so dearly wants to shed). で、罰としてなんか、this thanksgiving weekend, 彼と会っちゃダメだって~。バカじゃないの?脅しのつもり?もう慣れてどうでもいいけどね~。どうせ彼だって私とあんまり会いたいと思ってないと思うし。面倒だからねぇ。もう何か人生生きてる意味あるのかなーって思えてくる。
Currently listening to: Incomplete - Back Street Boys
っていうか、ココロが狭いんだよね~。i think the reason why i got kinda irritated was because he said he was going to be late tonight because he was going to talk to his friend. i don't mind them talking. but why are you going to be so late!? 私もしゃべりたい!って思っちゃう。何であっちとはそんなにしゃべって、私とはあんまりしゃべらないの?それでなくてもあんまり共通点がないことがコンプレックスなのに。私といて楽しいのかな?元々つまらない人間だし?i can be a bit clingy... (ok, maybe very clingy...) 特技なんてないし。家族はめちゃくちゃだし。相手として絶対不足してると思う。
こんなどうしようもない女のどこがいいのでしょう?big mystery. if i were a guy, i don't think i would choose myself for a gf. and i'm so dependent on him. 最低の彼女だね。そんな私を選んでくれたあなたは私にとってかけがえのない存在です。いつもいつもごめんね?そして、ありがとう。できれば、これからも末永くよろしくお願いいたします。
~edit @ 8:44 a.m. on Monday, November 24~
so, my mom just left me a voicemail telling me that she's mad at me because i forgot to deposit some stupid checks (my sisters, not mine.... why me? i don't know...) and i forgot to put her jackets away (ok, she'd been telling me to do so since last week but i am freaking busy. i really think she should do SOMETHING instead of sitting on her fat butt doing sudoku all day. maybe that's why she can't shed those pounds that she so dearly wants to shed). で、罰としてなんか、this thanksgiving weekend, 彼と会っちゃダメだって~。バカじゃないの?脅しのつもり?もう慣れてどうでもいいけどね~。どうせ彼だって私とあんまり会いたいと思ってないと思うし。面倒だからねぇ。もう何か人生生きてる意味あるのかなーって思えてくる。
Currently listening to: Incomplete - Back Street Boys
Friday, November 21, 2008
wow. i haven't been here in a while. haha. been kinda busy. schools being a real pain in the butt right now... man, i've never had so much trouble sighning up for classes. 1. they're not offering a lot of classes. 2. many are being cancelled. 3. many of my upper divs are major restricted and since my major is interdepartmental, (meaning that i have to take classes from different majors/departments) i'm screwed. マジ疲れた。今までクラス決めでこんなにストレス感じたことなかったのに...anyways, my schedule is still not set (waiting for 2nd pass) but i have 3 tentative classes scheduled and i have lots of free time :) i'm trying to look for a 4th class but can't seem to find a class that would be fit for my major. i might take a fiat lux. since those are 1 unit classes, they shouldn't be that difficult, right? i also happen to have a 10-page paper due this tues. -_- i'm on the third page so i'm a bit screwed with that one too... はぁ~。ヤダヤダ。
本題に入りましょう。ウチのアパートのエレベーターは落書きが多い。いくら大家さんが消してもまたすぐされる。and it's just lots of inappropriate stuff. we have families in our building too... 考えろよ!it's probably some stupid college kid... -_- the following are some examples, (please excuse my crappy picture taking abilities. sorry!):
seriously. some people are so immature... grow up.
Currently listening to: ニホンノミカタ-ネバダカラキマシタ - 矢島美容室
本題に入りましょう。ウチのアパートのエレベーターは落書きが多い。いくら大家さんが消してもまたすぐされる。and it's just lots of inappropriate stuff. we have families in our building too... 考えろよ!it's probably some stupid college kid... -_- the following are some examples, (please excuse my crappy picture taking abilities. sorry!):
this last one isn't graffitti. it was on the ceiling and says: "We fuck you while you sleep and you itch" lol
seriously. some people are so immature... grow up.
Currently listening to: ニホンノミカタ-ネバダカラキマシタ - 矢島美容室
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Universal Studios Hollywood
went to Universal Studios Hollywood yesterday!! and the bf and i got annual passes :) ま、そのほうが得だから買ったんだけどね。i'm sure we'll go again soon.
anyways, it was A LOT of fun. but when we were about to go home, the escalators (the starway?) was closed off. なんでかよく分からなかったんだけど。and we were directed to take the tram back up. apparently, there had been an 'unfortunate accident.' we didn't find out till later but apparently, エスカレーターが逆そうしたらしい。コワイコワイ。we missed it by a couple of minutes. we were lucky.
all in all, it was one of the best days i've had in forever. ホント、楽しかった~。now, i need to go do some work since i ditched a class yesterday to go. lol. バカ?maybe... whatever. it was fun :)
Currently listening to: Let go - m-flo featuring YOSHIKA
anyways, it was A LOT of fun. but when we were about to go home, the escalators (the starway?) was closed off. なんでかよく分からなかったんだけど。and we were directed to take the tram back up. apparently, there had been an 'unfortunate accident.' we didn't find out till later but apparently, エスカレーターが逆そうしたらしい。コワイコワイ。we missed it by a couple of minutes. we were lucky.
all in all, it was one of the best days i've had in forever. ホント、楽しかった~。now, i need to go do some work since i ditched a class yesterday to go. lol. バカ?maybe... whatever. it was fun :)
Currently listening to: Let go - m-flo featuring YOSHIKA
Sunday, November 16, 2008
as a citizen of los angeles, i have been to downtown/little tokyo a couple of times. however, this weekend was a little different. there were many streets cut off and lots of traffic. めちゃめちゃ大変だった。しかも理由が分からない。and then, i found out that there was a protest against prop8 going on. oh how i wanted to join. lol
so this day was the first day that i saw SWAT in real life. ドラマなら何回か見たことあるけど、ナマモノは初めて。いわゆる初体験です。:) 結構かっこよかったです。(笑)
on a side note, the sky was really funky this weekend because of those raging fires. what was even more crazy was the sun. 赤かったり、めっちゃオレンジだったり。キレイだった。too bad there were a ton of homes ravaged as a result of those fires. anyways, below are a couple photos taken on saturday evening.
currently listening to: 桜坂 - 福山雅治
so this day was the first day that i saw SWAT in real life. ドラマなら何回か見たことあるけど、ナマモノは初めて。いわゆる初体験です。:) 結構かっこよかったです。(笑)
on a side note, the sky was really funky this weekend because of those raging fires. what was even more crazy was the sun. 赤かったり、めっちゃオレンジだったり。キレイだった。too bad there were a ton of homes ravaged as a result of those fires. anyways, below are a couple photos taken on saturday evening.
currently listening to: 桜坂 - 福山雅治
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
during class, ヒマだったから詩を書いてみました~。初めてだから出来が不安だけど。。。一応載せてみます。they're all in japanese though. i think i like writing these in japanese. i feel like i can express more. and if it's in english, it just ends up sounding kinda cheesy. なんか、日本語だとキレイな感じがする。(笑)maybe, it's just me.
Currently listening to: Jealous of the Moon - Nickel Creek
Currently listening to: Jealous of the Moon - Nickel Creek
Because I don't want to work....
i have decided to go online and just look at random crap. my favorite site to do this is digg. i'm sure many of you have heard of it but its a really interesting site. there's just so much random crap! lol. マジで仕事中にガン見してま~す。(何いばってんだ?って?(笑))so, here are some interesting things i found:
have you ever had the feeling that you are being watched in your own house? you turn around to find out whatit might be only to find nothing there. except for maybe your pet cat. well, i own two cats. they are both adorable and i love them. but when i saw this, and found out that my cats do 6 out of the 9, i am starting to think that they might not feel the same way. :P lol. it's really funny. 猫飼ってる人なら半分ぐらいには「うん、うん。」ってうなずけると思う。i thought whoever made it was very clever. it was a good laugh.
while we're still talking about cats, i love this picture above. isn't it adorable? :) って言うかコレ絶対日本人の食卓だよね~。お茶碗に味噌汁、焼き魚に卵豆腐。めちゃめちゃ日本の朝ごはんじゃね?lol. the little kitty looks worried and the bigger cat just looks irritated. 「またコイツか。後ちょっとでメシだったのによ。」みたいな?(笑)かわいすぎる~~~
our next subject: gay marriages. i was so sad when prop8 passed here in Cali. i feel it's very unfair. だって、ゲイだって人間じゃん。ただ単に性別が同じだからって結婚する権利を否定するのは間違ってると思う。there's no need to teach children in schools about gays either. they're not special. 普通の人間だっつぅの!we don't teach children about the mechanics of a marriage between a heterosexual couple. why do we need to do so with homosexual couples? 意味不明。whatever. at least those who want to marry can do so, after moving to a different state like Connecticut! yeay! they're allowing gay marriages in conn. :) if you don't believe me, click here for the article.
and finally, something i am personally very interested in. this might be a little rated x so those of you 18 and younger, beware. :)
↑ what do you think that is? if you said a vibrator, you are CORRECT! it's called a Naughtibod and apparently, it's an ipod accessory for adults. lol. you can use it with or without music and it has all these different modes. the best part? you don't have to use it with an ipod. それいいよね~。私持ってないから困るところだった。(笑)でも、マジメにちょっとほしいかも。楽しそうじゃない!?キャハッ!for the entire article, click here.
currently listening to: Over the rain~ひかりの橋~ - flumpool
have you ever had the feeling that you are being watched in your own house? you turn around to find out whatit might be only to find nothing there. except for maybe your pet cat. well, i own two cats. they are both adorable and i love them. but when i saw this, and found out that my cats do 6 out of the 9, i am starting to think that they might not feel the same way. :P lol. it's really funny. 猫飼ってる人なら半分ぐらいには「うん、うん。」ってうなずけると思う。i thought whoever made it was very clever. it was a good laugh.
while we're still talking about cats, i love this picture above. isn't it adorable? :) って言うかコレ絶対日本人の食卓だよね~。お茶碗に味噌汁、焼き魚に卵豆腐。めちゃめちゃ日本の朝ごはんじゃね?lol. the little kitty looks worried and the bigger cat just looks irritated. 「またコイツか。後ちょっとでメシだったのによ。」みたいな?(笑)かわいすぎる~~~
our next subject: gay marriages. i was so sad when prop8 passed here in Cali. i feel it's very unfair. だって、ゲイだって人間じゃん。ただ単に性別が同じだからって結婚する権利を否定するのは間違ってると思う。there's no need to teach children in schools about gays either. they're not special. 普通の人間だっつぅの!we don't teach children about the mechanics of a marriage between a heterosexual couple. why do we need to do so with homosexual couples? 意味不明。whatever. at least those who want to marry can do so, after moving to a different state like Connecticut! yeay! they're allowing gay marriages in conn. :) if you don't believe me, click here for the article.
and finally, something i am personally very interested in. this might be a little rated x so those of you 18 and younger, beware. :)
↑ what do you think that is? if you said a vibrator, you are CORRECT! it's called a Naughtibod and apparently, it's an ipod accessory for adults. lol. you can use it with or without music and it has all these different modes. the best part? you don't have to use it with an ipod. それいいよね~。私持ってないから困るところだった。(笑)でも、マジメにちょっとほしいかも。楽しそうじゃない!?キャハッ!for the entire article, click here.
currently listening to: Over the rain~ひかりの橋~ - flumpool
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
this weekend, in little tokyo, there was a lolita convention type thing at the kyoto grand. ちょうどその時リトル東京の weller court にいた私と彼はそんなことを知らずにいた。でも、なんと彼がロリータたちを見かけていたのである。それはカレーハウスの to go 店にいたとき。he said some girls walk by in crazy dresses. according to him, メイド姿した人たちが通った!だとさ。当然私はえっ!メイド!?となるわけです。but, turned out to be the people from the lolita convention. what a dummy, eh?
click here for the article about the convention.
ロリータって結構日本では流行ってるらしいけど、勇気あるな~って思う。恥ずかしそうだもん。めちゃめちゃ目立つし。but what was even more surprising is that it's actually a pretty major underground fashion in america as well. if you look through the slideshow, you'll see a couple Caucasian as well as other ethnicity girls. like the one below.
currently listening to: Bad Day - Daniel Powter
click here for the article about the convention.
ロリータって結構日本では流行ってるらしいけど、勇気あるな~って思う。恥ずかしそうだもん。めちゃめちゃ目立つし。but what was even more surprising is that it's actually a pretty major underground fashion in america as well. if you look through the slideshow, you'll see a couple Caucasian as well as other ethnicity girls. like the one below.
currently listening to: Bad Day - Daniel Powter
the bf and i are both freaks when it comes to 名探偵コナン。マンガはもちろん、アニメと映画も結構みる。i think it's probably the only anime that i actually watch. i read a lot of manga but i don't watch many animes. anyways, to prove my point:
on the way back to my apartment tonight, the bf grabbed his 名探偵コナン soundtrack CD that has all these songs/music in it. で、色々な♪音楽♪を聞きながら彼とどういう場面で使用されているかとかモノマネなんかもやったりした。(笑)マジで二人でめっちゃウケてた。バカみたいでしょ?lol. but it was seriously a lot of fun. 車の中であんなに盛り上がったのは結構久しぶり。we were both wayyyyy sleepy before we were in the car but man, after a couple songs, we were both wide awake. haha. 何か20曲ぐらい入ってるみたいで、まだ10何曲しか聴いてないからまた続きをやらないとね~。あはは。楽しみ~♪
btw, i'll admit that i am a conan freak, but i am not as bad as the bf. he is really bad. コナンの最初の映画(時計仕掛けんの満天楼だったかな?)を10回以上見てて、それをカセットに録音して、音だけでも聞いてたんだって~。ちょっとキモいね。lol. don't worry you, i may not be as bad but i am a freak as well. :) ちなみに言うと私は怪盗キッドがダイスキです!
anyways, the bf was sick today. :( poor guy. i hope you get better soon~
currently listening to: キミがいれば - 伊織
Sunday, November 9, 2008
national holidays are the bomb! だって~、お休みだも~ん!!!:) nothing can beat THAT! haha.
so veteran's day is coming up and we get tuesday off. -_- why not make it a monday?? it would make life so much easier. grrr... マジでちょっとムカつく。ま、休みないよかましだけどね。and then i remembered that for thanksgiving, we only get 2 days off. i kept thinking it was like high school and that we would get 3 days off. but NO. onl 2. *sigh* college is the pits
currently listening to: I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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