Tuesday, November 11, 2008


this weekend, in little tokyo, there was a lolita convention type thing at the kyoto grand. ちょうどその時リトル東京の weller court にいた私と彼はそんなことを知らずにいた。でも、なんと彼がロリータたちを見かけていたのである。それはカレーハウスの to go 店にいたとき。he said some girls walk by in crazy dresses. according to him, メイド姿した人たちが通った!だとさ。当然私はえっ!メイド!?となるわけです。but, turned out to be the people from the lolita convention. what a dummy, eh?

click here for the article about the convention.

ロリータって結構日本では流行ってるらしいけど、勇気あるな~って思う。恥ずかしそうだもん。めちゃめちゃ目立つし。but what was even more surprising is that it's actually a pretty major underground fashion in america as well. if you look through the slideshow, you'll see a couple Caucasian as well as other ethnicity girls. like the one below.


currently listening to: Bad Day - Daniel Powter

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