have you ever had the feeling that you are being watched in your own house? you turn around to find out whatit might be only to find nothing there. except for maybe your pet cat. well, i own two cats. they are both adorable and i love them. but when i saw this, and found out that my cats do 6 out of the 9, i am starting to think that they might not feel the same way. :P lol. it's really funny. 猫飼ってる人なら半分ぐらいには「うん、うん。」ってうなずけると思う。i thought whoever made it was very clever. it was a good laugh.

while we're still talking about cats, i love this picture above. isn't it adorable? :) って言うかコレ絶対日本人の食卓だよね~。お茶碗に味噌汁、焼き魚に卵豆腐。めちゃめちゃ日本の朝ごはんじゃね?lol. the little kitty looks worried and the bigger cat just looks irritated. 「またコイツか。後ちょっとでメシだったのによ。」みたいな?(笑)かわいすぎる~~~
our next subject: gay marriages. i was so sad when prop8 passed here in Cali. i feel it's very unfair. だって、ゲイだって人間じゃん。ただ単に性別が同じだからって結婚する権利を否定するのは間違ってると思う。there's no need to teach children in schools about gays either. they're not special. 普通の人間だっつぅの!we don't teach children about the mechanics of a marriage between a heterosexual couple. why do we need to do so with homosexual couples? 意味不明。whatever. at least those who want to marry can do so, after moving to a different state like Connecticut! yeay! they're allowing gay marriages in conn. :) if you don't believe me, click here for the article.
and finally, something i am personally very interested in. this might be a little rated x so those of you 18 and younger, beware. :)

↑ what do you think that is? if you said a vibrator, you are CORRECT! it's called a Naughtibod and apparently, it's an ipod accessory for adults. lol. you can use it with or without music and it has all these different modes. the best part? you don't have to use it with an ipod. それいいよね~。私持ってないから困るところだった。(笑)でも、マジメにちょっとほしいかも。楽しそうじゃない!?キャハッ!for the entire article, click here.
currently listening to: Over the rain~ひかりの橋~ - flumpool
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