then, it was on to Santa Monica to do some shopping at the 3rd Street Promenade. While there, i had some Pinkberrys (been craving it for a while) and watched as some people were filming something. it was pretty interesting and the bf and i were just standing around for a while watching. there was a decent sized crowd forming. and then, we went to American Eagle, my new favorite store~~. they were having a buy 1 get the second 50% off sale. yeay! so i bought two bras. 結構高かった~~。1つ$30ぐらいだから合計で$47ぐらい?with tax. i wanted to buy some cute tops but... ムリだった~。they didn't have sales on anything else and everything was winter stuff so there was nothing that i really wanted. ちょっとブルー...買いたかったモノが買えなかった。oh wells. so on to Redondo we go...

we thought we might go on the boat ride at Redondo but... やってねぇじゃねーかよ!何だよ!お休みだなんて聞いてねーよ。期待外れ。so we just walk around the pier and we get a churro~. haven't had one in a while so it was really good :) haha. んで、そのあとはちょっと早めのご飯。蟹を3つと貝を1.5lbs. and i also got like 6 raw oysters. うまうま~。天国行ったみたい~。lol
after eating, we make a pit stop at gardena to go to book off. i only bought a couple of mangas but the bf seemed to be getting a couple. 二人そろってマンガ好き。ちょっぴりヲタクなカップルで~す。でも、絶対彼の方がヲタクだし~。lol. i'm not that bad. thanks goodness :)

and finally, Zac and Miri Make a Porno. we decided to watch it because it got a B- with critics and a B with yahoo users so we assumed it would be good. very graphic but good. 楽しかった~。コメディーだしね。あはは。途中から彼がトイレ行きたくなったみたいでさぁ大変。lol. it was fun watching him squirm. he held it until the movie ended but by that time, 相当限界だったみたい。:) 何はともあれ面白い一日でした。
Currently listening to: Womanize - Britney Spears
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