the bf and i are both freaks when it comes to 名探偵コナン。マンガはもちろん、アニメと映画も結構みる。i think it's probably the only anime that i actually watch. i read a lot of manga but i don't watch many animes. anyways, to prove my point:
on the way back to my apartment tonight, the bf grabbed his 名探偵コナン soundtrack CD that has all these songs/music in it. で、色々な♪音楽♪を聞きながら彼とどういう場面で使用されているかとかモノマネなんかもやったりした。(笑)マジで二人でめっちゃウケてた。バカみたいでしょ?lol. but it was seriously a lot of fun. 車の中であんなに盛り上がったのは結構久しぶり。we were both wayyyyy sleepy before we were in the car but man, after a couple songs, we were both wide awake. haha. 何か20曲ぐらい入ってるみたいで、まだ10何曲しか聴いてないからまた続きをやらないとね~。あはは。楽しみ~♪
btw, i'll admit that i am a conan freak, but i am not as bad as the bf. he is really bad. コナンの最初の映画(時計仕掛けんの満天楼だったかな?)を10回以上見てて、それをカセットに録音して、音だけでも聞いてたんだって~。ちょっとキモいね。lol. don't worry you, i may not be as bad but i am a freak as well. :) ちなみに言うと私は怪盗キッドがダイスキです!
anyways, the bf was sick today. :( poor guy. i hope you get better soon~
currently listening to: キミがいれば - 伊織
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