Friday, November 21, 2008


wow. i haven't been here in a while. haha. been kinda busy. schools being a real pain in the butt right now... man, i've never had so much trouble sighning up for classes. 1. they're not offering a lot of classes. 2. many are being cancelled. 3. many of my upper divs are major restricted and since my major is interdepartmental, (meaning that i have to take classes from different majors/departments) i'm screwed. マジ疲れた。今までクラス決めでこんなにストレス感じたことなかったのに...anyways, my schedule is still not set (waiting for 2nd pass) but i have 3 tentative classes scheduled and i have lots of free time :) i'm trying to look for a 4th class but can't seem to find a class that would be fit for my major. i might take a fiat lux. since those are 1 unit classes, they shouldn't be that difficult, right? i also happen to have a 10-page paper due this tues. -_- i'm on the third page so i'm a bit screwed with that one too... はぁ~。ヤダヤダ。

本題に入りましょう。ウチのアパートのエレベーターは落書きが多い。いくら大家さんが消してもまたすぐされる。and it's just lots of inappropriate stuff. we have
families in our building too... 考えろよ!it's probably some stupid college kid... -_- the following are some examples, (please excuse my crappy picture taking abilities. sorry!):

this last one isn't graffitti. it was on the ceiling and says: "We fuck you while you sleep and you itch" lol

seriously. some people are so immature... grow up.

Currently listening to:
ニホンノミカタ-ネバダカラキマシタ - 矢島美容室

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