And finally, we come to the stomach
生理痛マジ勘弁。つ~か~れ~る~。am i pmsing?? maybe. let's just hope i don't take it out on the bf. poor guy. has to always deal with me... でもさ、女の子は皆こんな面倒くさいモノと毎月ご対面せなアカンねん。マジでめっちゃダルイねん。オトコどもにコノ辛さが分かってたまるもんかっちゅうねん。ホンマ、大変なんやで?絶対分かってないやろ?その上出産!?何でやねん!?めちゃめちゃ不公平やんけ。if you ask some religious butt head, they'll be like it's the women's fault because Eve ate that stupid apple or whatever it was that she ate. こちとらに言わせてもらえば、ソレが何か?って感じ。ウチらと全然カンケーないんですけど?知るか!?そんなこと。神は皆平等ちゃうんけ??話ちゃうやん。だから宗教ってうさんくさいねん。
so, i went on a bit of a rant there. whatever. i AM pmsing. too bad for the bf. hope he comes out of this week alive. on a brighter note, my mom is leaving soon. HOORAY!! :)
Currently listening to: 扉 - GReeeeN
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