from there, we decided we still might make it to the observatory and eventually find our way there. でも、後5分くらいでしまる時間になっちゃってた。もうホント大変。でも、少し景色と外観見れたからまるっきし時間の無駄ではなかったね。

and then today, went karaoke again~. やっぱ楽しいね~。めちゃめちゃ歌ったぞ~。結構懐かしい曲をいっぱい。スピッツの「チェリー」とか、花・花の「さよなら大好きな人」とか、Kiroro の「最後のキス」とか。歌いまくるのは快感ですな~。:)
later tonight, we also decided to do some driving so we decided to go to angeles crest highway. もうめっちゃぐにゃぐにゃ道で結構怖かった~。but the bf has really good driving skills and lots of experience so it was too bad. もうね!星がめちゃめちゃキレイなの~~~!!!!!!あんなキレイな星空 l.a. ではほとんど見れないよ。the 夜景 was really pretty too~. overall, it was a really nice experience. i feel bad for the bf tho, i made him drive so much and he has work at 8 tomorrow morning. -_- ごめんね?
Currently listening to: So Sick - NeYo
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