uhhh... PORNO!?
every now and then, there are free screenings at UCLA in the Grand Ballroom. well, tonight, there was one and yes, it was a porno. "Pirates II". heard of it? maybe the guys mighta heard of the first one and are highly anticipating this one. ま、所詮オトコだしね。but yea, talk about awkward.... and after the screening, there's a Q&A session with the director and some of the cast. っていうか何質問すんだ???っていうか誰が見んだ!?i swear, it's probably gonna be all guys and like a mass masturbation fest or something like that. マジで。誰があんなもん上映しようなんて思ったんだ??理解不能。
正直、見ないわけではない。どっちかって言うと好きかも?it depends. but yea. たまに見る。一人でするときで何もなしがイヤな時は見るね。but i would not want to watch it with a room full of other people. that is just way too awkward.... not my thing. haha. でも、trailer 見てちょっと見たいと思った。(笑)結構よくできてる。さすが一番お金がかかったAVなだけあるわ。あはは。
there was one guy in my class who was all psyched about going. i hope he was able to enjoy it. :) click here for the trailer and info.
Currently Listening to: ONE - 鈴木亜美
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