today we had a 'moving sale'. lol. yard sale last week, moving sale this week. 朝はめっちゃ早起きしたから、大変。疲れたぁ。眠いし。and, we didn't even sell too much... -__-
we didn't have much to sell but the bf did. he was selling a bunch of new shirts as well as some toys and electronics. 後、ミニ鎧みたいなのとか、アコーディオンとか。ホント色々。our profit was about $60. i think the bf made a bit over $100. so it was okay. not the best of sales. ま、確かに目玉商品があまり無かったしね。
we got elite restaurant to go for lunch. おいしかった。man, driving through s.g. chinatown to get there was hell tho. sooooo much traffic. and for apparently no reason too. -_- バカみたい。ホント、運転下手な人多すぎ。ま、人のことあんまり言えないと思うけど...
Currently listening to: 君って - 西野カナ