Thursday, September 30, 2010

Easy A & Chego

last night, the bf and i decided to watch a movie. after some haggle over what to watch, we settled on "Easy A". it's been advertised on meebo for a while and had good reviews, so we gave it a try.

結論的には面白かった。emma stone was HOT! :) hehe. those corsets looked scorching. でも、彼は以外にダメだったみたい。何か、コーセットってダメらしい。私はセクシーだと思うけど。ま、とにかく肌の露出が多かったね。but man, i got so many phone calls over the phone during the movie so i kinda missed some parts here and ther
e. darn. stupid mom. -__- but the story was relatively easy to understand. kewl parents, tho. i wish my mom was a kickass as olive's mom.
で、晩御飯はといいますと、この間から気になっていたところに。its right down the street from my current apartment and it's called chego. it's kinda like a asian fusion place. 何か、結構人気みたいで、一度行ってみたかったんです。we ended up getting the pork bowl thing. ま、、、お豚さん自体はめちゃウマだったんですが、、、there was a bunch of stuff on the bowl besides meat. and... that wasn't exactly the greatest. すっごい複雑な味で、結構辛かった。お肉だけならおいしいのに。ちょっぴり残念でしたね。Currently listening to: ムーンライト - くず


最近映画が出たよね。well, i got the book. at book-off. for about $3. haha. 安いyよね。で、さっき読み終わりました。よかったです!
thing is, its like a manga, so its really easy to read. and its funny. reading about the ups and downs of living with a foreigner. かわいいし、面白い。トニー最高!ぜひ、読んでみてください。i think there are other ones as well so i want to read those too. gotta get them when i go to book-off. 映画は、どうかな?

Currently listening to: 向かいあわせ - aiko

Sunday, September 26, 2010

OC Japan Fair

went to the OC Japan Fair today in Irvine with the family and bf. was supposed to go with the bf and friends but stupid family decided to tag along. あいつら来たら全然楽しめないんですけど。。。案の定、1時間もしないうちに帰ることに。暑いのは知った上で参加したのに、結局すぐ帰っちゃうから、ほとんど楽しめなかった。
mainly, it was a lot of food. there weren't as many booths as i had expected. but it was all still very interesting. i was especially looking forward to the maid cafe but sadly, we didn't get to go in. たべものは色々あったね。ホットドッグからお寿司からたこ焼きやデザートまで。もうちょっと満喫できたら色々食べれたのに。。。we only ended up eating a hotdog, gateau chocolat, okonomiyaki, and morioka reimen. besides the reimen, they were all pretty good.

メイドさんは結構残念な事になってました。もっとかわいいのを期待してたのに、ブッサイクが多かった。oh, and the hosts too. っていうか、メイドカフェでホストってどうよ?ま、いいけどさ。but yea, none of them were hotties. -__- やるならもうちょっと真面目にやってほしい。ま、来年はもうちょっと遊べるといいですね。

Currently listening to: Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

カラオケ & 飲み会

yesterday, i finally got to go karaoke. i've been itching to go for a while but never seemed to have the chance. でも、昨日やっといけました。and during happy hour too, so it was a lot cheaper.

久しぶりに歌ったせいか、あんまりうまくいかなかったですね。or, it may be that i just suck. lol. but it was fun nonetheless. i tried singing some new songs, but that turned out pretty bad. でも、カラオケいけたから大満足♪

at night, we had a mini nomikai at a friends house. i drank 1 beer and 4 chu-hi's in about 2 hours. oh, and had a bunch of potato wedges and chicken wings. not good... 気持ち悪くて悪くて。吐いちゃいましたね。ペースが速すぎと、めっちゃ食べすぎ。しかも脂っこいものばっか。今でもまだ若干気持ち悪いもん。i really need to be more careful next time.

Currently listening to: MONSTER - 嵐

Monday, September 20, 2010

Round 1

finally got the chance to go to round 1 tonight. i've been wanting to go ever since my friend mentioned it on facebook. 日本のゲーセンみたいなところで、CMで見て、行きたいなぁって思ってたの。but yea, that place was huge!! so much to do, so little money. haha.

they have a pretty big arcade/crane game section as well as bowling, karaoke, darts, and ping pong. あれだけいろいろひとつの場所にまとめられるのってすごい。あ、あとプリクラもあったし!しかも、CUE より安い。いいね~。and of course, everything was brand-spanking-new. :) always good.

we ended up playing a bunch of games and won a lot of tickets along the way too. haha. i got like 200 tickets out of one game on two different occasions. seems i had a lot of luck. プリクラも久しぶりに撮れた。楽しかった。思い出はいっぱい作ったほうがいいよね~。あ、後卓球も始めてやった。もう、グダグダ。改めて自分の運動音痴加減を知らされました。so sad. haha. but after a while, i was able to hit decently well.

ま、そんなこんなで遊びまくりました。で、その後は何故かDenny's でご飯。で、今帰って来ました。眠い。寝ます。おやすみなさい。
Currently listening to: SCAR - RIP SLYME

Friday, September 17, 2010


最近のミツワでは北海道展が開催されております。昨日行ってまいりましたぁ~。to the costa mesa one. and the torrance one. lol. in one day. yea... we mainly went to the costa mesa one to eat ramen. 辛みそラーメン。あと、一緒に北海道のてんぷらもたべたよ。ごぼうが美味しかったね。other than that, i also got some strawberry cream puffs which i ate today. mmmm good. :)

タテシチューパンとつぶわさを買いました。つぶわさはつぶ貝のわさび和え。it's really spicy but really good. haha. あんまりいっぺんにいっぱい食べられない。because yesterday was the first day and it was a thursday, there weren't that many people. thankfully. まだまだ試してみたいものがいっぱいあるけど、お金がない。。。残念!

ugh, but i'm tired of driving. now that i can drive, my mom expects me to drive everywhere. it's so annoying..... 早く運転がうまくなりたいです。

Currently listening to: Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

えぼしラーメン & Clearman's Galley

今日は父とランチに行きました。二人は結構珍しい。usually, my sister is there too. but since she had work, it was just me and my dad. 色々考えて、結局えぼしラーメンい行くことに。私は以前に行ったことがあるんだけど、結構前だからあんまり覚えてなくて、、、and my dad had never been to and wanted to try it so we decided to give it a the time we got there, there weren't that many people so we were able to sit right away. 結構色々と品揃えがよく、何食べるか迷っちゃった。ラーメンも食べたいけど、チャーハンも食べたいタイプです。so i decided to get the combination shio ramen and half chahan. my dad opted for the same. で、ラーメンが来てビックリ。麺が多いではございませんか。yea, there was no way i would be able to finish it all. finished off the ramen, ate a bit of the chahan, and took the rest home. even my dad wasn't able to finish. and he eats quite a lot. overall, they give you very generous portions. :) 麺もしっかりしてて美味しし味もそこそこ。イケます。
later that night, went out with the bf. was supposed to go out with a friend but she had a headache and had to cancel... :( boooooo.... o well. 暇だから出かけることに。安くて美味しいレストランを近辺で探すとひとつ興味を引くのが。Clearman's Galley. they were a burger place with a bar so i thought it was something both the bf and i could enjoy. 入ってみてこれまたビックリ。it was cafeteria style where you order your dinner and wait for it to come and then pay for it at the end of the line. i've never seen such places except at tourist spot like places so it was interesting. 味は、まぁまぁ。別に美味しくない。でも、量の割りには安いと思う。so if you're looking for cheap and great portions, this may be the place for you. なんか、今日一日は安くていっぱい食べれる店ばかりだなぁ。

Currently listening to: 蛍 - 福山雅治

Monday, September 13, 2010

Effing Oxnard

drove all the way to oxnard today in order to look at a door that my mom wants for the house. on the way there, we made a pit stop at the cabrillo outlets to do some shopping. お買い物ってあんまり好きじゃないからここは結構かったるい時間となりました。i did buy a vest tho. $58 --> $22. not bad, right? i mean, i payed less than half. so we're all good.

so my mom told me that it was another 20-30 minutes to get to oxnard from where we were. で、結構ドライブして、景色見ながらぺちゃくちゃしゃべってたら、アッという間にサンタ・バーバラ。行き過ぎです。we ended up going about 40 miles past our destination.... -_- 超バカ。so back we went. haha. took soo much time. ま、で何とかたどり着くことができました。ほしいドアもあったみたいだし。

but it took sooo much time. and i ended up driving 170+ miles. that's more than san diego, no?? if that's the case, that's the most i've ever driven in a day. 最近運転多いなぁ。

Currently listening to: According to you - Orianthi

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Head Light Exchange

today, the headlight on the bf sister's mazda had gone out and he needed to replace it. 最初はメカニックに持っていこうとしてたのを、彼が取り替えるって言い出したの。お金がもったいないから、自分で出来るからと。and he looks at me like i'm supposed to agree with him. な訳ないじゃん。絶対無理。自分で取り替えるなんて。彼がいなかったら絶対メカニック行きだし。he's like, it's so easy. whatever.... maybe for him, but not for me. or for a lot of people for that matter.
ま、とりあえず、彼ん家に行って、バルブを見てみることに。以外に手間取ってたね。簡単とか言っておきながら、、、once we were able to get the bulb out, we had to go buy the replacements. and then, the process of putting the new bulb in began but boy did it take looooonnnnggg. lol. 結局難しかったみたい。apparently, the mazda has a bunch of coverings and stuff which is supposed to protect the parts/keep dust out + make everything look nice and clean. それが結構面倒みたい。ま、言い訳っぽかったけどねぇ~。(笑)

all in all, it took a good hour or so to get everything done. got pretty dirty in the process since i tried to help out. 何も出来なかったけどね。seriously, there has got to be an easier way to exchange that stuff.

Currently listening to: DEPARTURES - globe

Friday, September 10, 2010

LA County Fair

went to the l.a. county fair today at the pomona fairplex. これで2年連続です。楽しかったけど、疲れた。so much walking and so out of shape. haha. plus, fiipflops aren't the best for walking for prolonged periods of time.

今年は入場料が安く済みました。they were doing a can drive
thing and if you bring 5 ralph's brand cans of food, they let you in for free. so it was less than $10 to get in for both the bf and i. ラッキー♪ we did a lot of looking around and tasting. :) lol. 好きです。味見。だから太るのかもね。あはは。ended up buying a necklace chain and some salsa. didn't spend too much money.we did go to the human exhibit thing they had. were they use real dead bodies to show the inside of the human body. 結構リアリティに欠けた気がした。本物っぽくないって言うか… but i guess they were. it was really interesting tho. wasn't as grossed out as i thought i'd be. でも、ホントに「黒鷺死体宅配便」の世界だったね。good manga, btw.


Currently listening to: crazy gonna crazy - trf

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer School

IS OVER!! HELLS YEA! yesterday was my last final, so with that, summer school is over. too bad i only have a week until school starts... boooo...

さて、今日・明日は何をしましょう...お金はあまり使いたくないから、あんまりオプションが無いよね。*sigh* what's cheap and fun to do?? i really need suggestions.

Currently listening to: Drink It Down - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day お遊び

labor day. you get a day off but so do a lot of other places. meaning a lot of places are closed. so what do you do?? yea, we had the same question too.

the bf and i ended up finding this miniature golf place on yelp called putting edge and we decided to give it a try. 何か、暗闇の中で、glow するパット、ボール、などは使ってやるゴルフ。everythng was glow in the dark. lol. it was really interesting. in additon to the mini golf, the place also has a couple arcade games and 2 air hockey tables. ま、時間をつぶすにはちょうどいいかも。でも、ちょっぴり高め。一人$10.50. 出来ればもうちょっと安くして欲しいですな。but it was fun. for experience. they had some pretty interesting holes. too bad there's only one course so that once you're done, you're done. took us about an hour to get through the entire thing. and thats with us shooting at the same hole a couple of times.
after that, we decided to watch a movie. the other guys. 結構面白いって聞いたから。it was either that or scott pilgrim. 感想: 思ったほど面白くなかった。it gave you some food for thought. but not so much the laugh factor. もうちょっと面白いのかと思った。overall, the film was just decent. i did stick around for the very end tho. a lot of people left before that last bit after the credits. でも、知ってたから見れた。えへへ。
Currently listening to: Pump It! - Black Eyed Peas

Sunday, September 5, 2010

博多やまや & Tony' Pizza

today was super hectic. the bf and i were running around looking for a bath tub and some lights. we went all the way from torrance to pico rivera looking for it. -__- just becuase its the one my mom wanted... ホント頑固なんです。it literally took all day. apologies to the bf.

一応いいことはありました。やっと、「博多やまや」に行けましたぁ~!i've been wanting to go here since i heard it opened. we got there around 1:30 but the place was still pretty packed. good sign, right? ランチはスペシャルが何点かあって、ご飯・めんたいこ食べ放題付きで結構お得なのです。:) 私はホルモンとキャベツの味噌炒め、彼はから揚げの明太子ソースを注文。両方とも絶品!it was really good!! the miso itame was just the right amount of flavoring and the karaage was crispy on the inside and juciy on the inside. the sauce was really good too. i thought it might come on too strong but it was really light and accented the karaage. もちろん、ホルモンはめっちゃおいしかったですっ!明太子は以外とまぁまぁ。ちょっと塩辛すぎた。もうちょっと唐辛子の辛味があるほうが私は好き。but its free and tabehoudai, so i ate quite a bit. haha. 満足です。
for dinner, we got pizza and albertsons chicken. the pizza, we got at tony's pizza and it was a large for about $20. supreme style toppings. なんといってもデカイ。値段がそこそこするけど、その分、食べ応えがある。結構おいしかった。it seemed really fresh and they give you lots of toppings. a bit pricey tho... で、アルバートソンのチキン。its really good. haha. and cheap. but this time, we got the homestyle wings. apparently, it was sitting under the warmer too long. 硬すぎ。。。残念。it still tasted decent. hopefully, we have better luck next time.
Currently listening to: Devil Side - VAMPS

Saturday, September 4, 2010


i haven't been to any of the terminals besides international at LAX in a while but dang, everything has changed. lol. インターは未だに人間相手にチェックインをする。けど、他のターミナルは違う。
everything is computerized now. i mean, it is a tech dominated era. but seriously. haha. there are self check-in machines all over the place and all you need is a passport to check in. コンピューターで全部管理され、チェックインの際はパスポートは機械にスキャンさせればオーケー。at first, it was a bit confusing to use. but in the end, it wasn't all that bad. the only problem, because it is just a computer, sometimes, the scanner won't read the passport properly. soooo annoying... you have to hop from one machine to the other until it does. メンドクサイ。でも、今の時代、そんなこと言ってられないんだろうね。で、チェックインが終わってら、係員に行って、荷物を預ける。ま、それまでもを機械に出来るわけが無いからね。ugh, i'm not too tech saavy so i really don't like the direction our lives are moving towards... lol.

Currently listening to: Dynamite - Taio Cruz

Friday, September 3, 2010


今日の晩御飯は「こけこっこ」!焼き鳥です。*drooll* its sooo good. and i guess my mom decided to take us there for the birthday dinner of my sister and i. the owner there is known to favor people he knows and give them the "good stuff." since one of our workers know him, we went with him in order to eat.
結局、何本か先に注文して、後はお任せという形になった。we got some pretty interesting stuff. 首肉、特ハツ、ラム肉、などなど。my mom wanted a specific kind of tori dango but we didn't get it. too bad. but yea, everything was really good. but according to our worker guy, we didn't get as much 'service' as he had hoped. なんか、もっとイイモノが出ると思ったみたい。ちっぴり文句言ってましたね。

my mom was pretty pissy today tho. the entire way there, she kept bad-mouthing my sister and i. もうウザイし、最悪。seriously, she's got some real anger management issues. even during dinner, she kept bad-mouthing me, citing how i can't graduate in time and something about probably not being able to get a good job. 今の経済状況じゃ、私じゃなくてもいい仕事を見つけるのは困難だと思う。別に私だけじゃないし。-___-

well, after dinner, we got back to the car and there was a parking ticket. for expired plates. the stickers got here yesterday and she didn't bother putting them on. ざまぁみろ!

Currently listening to: Sunshine Girl - moumoon

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ハッピー バースディ トゥー ミー

hooray! its my birthday today. haha. あんまりめでたくないけど。i have a review session in a couple of minutes so yea... イヤですねぇ~。*sigh* and since i always have my birthday over summer break and my mom never lets me celebrate, my friends always seem to forget my birthday. sad, huh? ま、いいけどね。最初っからあんまり期待してなかったから。well, i am now officially a year older. i wonder what sort of year this will be...

Currently listening to: This is Love - SMAP