went to the OC Japan Fair today in Irvine with the family and bf. was supposed to go with the bf and friends but stupid family decided to tag along. あいつら来たら全然楽しめないんですけど。。。案の定、1時間もしないうちに帰ることに。暑いのは知った上で参加したのに、結局すぐ帰っちゃうから、ほとんど楽しめなかった。

mainly, it was a lot of food. there weren't as many booths as i had expected. but it was all still very interesting. i was especially looking forward to the maid cafe but sadly, we didn't get to go in. たべものは色々あったね。ホットドッグからお寿司からたこ焼きやデザートまで。もうちょっと満喫できたら色々食べれたのに。。。we only ended up eating a hotdog, gateau chocolat, okonomiyaki, and morioka reimen. besides the reimen, they were all pretty good.
メイドさんは結構残念な事になってました。もっとかわいいのを期待してたのに、ブッサイクが多かった。oh, and the hosts too. っていうか、メイドカフェでホストってどうよ?ま、いいけどさ。but yea, none of them were hotties. -__- やるならもうちょっと真面目にやってほしい。ま、来年はもうちょっと遊べるといいですね。
Currently listening to: Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna
1 comment:
man i was super looking forward to it too. :( sorry I had to go pick up family from the airport. Hopefully I'll get to see you soon!
<3 May
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