えぼしラーメン & Clearman's Galley
今日は父とランチに行きました。二人は結構珍しい。usually, my sister is there too. but since she had work, it was just me and my dad. 色々考えて、結局えぼしラーメンい行くことに。私は以前に行ったことがあるんだけど、結構前だからあんまり覚えてなくて、、、and my dad had never been to and wanted to try it so we decided to give it a go.
by the time we got there, there weren't that many people so we were able to sit right away. 結構色々と品揃えがよく、何食べるか迷っちゃった。ラーメンも食べたいけど、チャーハンも食べたいタイプです。so i decided to get the combination shio ramen and half chahan. my dad opted for the same. で、ラーメンが来てビックリ。麺が多いではございませんか。yea, there was no way i would be able to finish it all. finished off the ramen, ate a bit of the chahan, and took the rest home. even my dad wasn't able to finish. and he eats quite a lot. overall, they give you very generous portions. :) 麺もしっかりしてて美味しし味もそこそこ。イケます。
later that night, went out with the bf. was supposed to go out with a friend but she had a headache and had to cancel... :( boooooo.... o well. 暇だから出かけることに。安くて美味しいレストランを近辺で探すとひとつ興味を引くのが。Clearman's Galley. they were a burger place with a bar so i thought it was something both the bf and i could enjoy. 入ってみてこれまたビックリ。it was cafeteria style where you order your dinner and wait for it to come and then pay for it at the end of the line. i've never seen such places except at tourist spot like places so it was interesting. 味は、まぁまぁ。別に美味しくない。でも、量の割りには安いと思う。so if you're looking for cheap and great portions, this may be the place for you. なんか、今日一日は安くていっぱい食べれる店ばかりだなぁ。
Currently listening to: 蛍 - 福山雅治
1 comment:
gomen ne :( I think it's because my cold isn't going away even after a week. I've been having migraine every day T__T
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