drove all the way to oxnard today in order to look at a door that my mom wants for the house. on the way there, we made a pit stop at the cabrillo outlets to do some shopping. お買い物ってあんまり好きじゃないからここは結構かったるい時間となりました。i did buy a vest tho. $58 --> $22. not bad, right? i mean, i payed less than half. so we're all good.
so my mom told me that it was another 20-30 minutes to get to oxnard from where we were. で、結構ドライブして、景色見ながらぺちゃくちゃしゃべってたら、アッという間にサンタ・バーバラ。行き過ぎです。we ended up going about 40 miles past our destination.... -_- 超バカ。so back we went. haha. took soo much time. ま、で何とかたどり着くことができました。ほしいドアもあったみたいだし。
but it took sooo much time. and i ended up driving 170+ miles. that's more than san diego, no?? if that's the case, that's the most i've ever driven in a day. 最近運転多いなぁ。
Currently listening to: According to you - Orianthi
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