今日の晩御飯は「こけこっこ」!焼き鳥です。*drooll* its sooo good. and i guess my mom decided to take us there for the birthday dinner of my sister and i. the owner there is known to favor people he knows and give them the "good stuff." since one of our workers know him, we went with him in order to eat.

結局、何本か先に注文して、後はお任せという形になった。we got some pretty interesting stuff. 首肉、特ハツ、ラム肉、などなど。my mom wanted a specific kind of tori dango but we didn't get it. too bad. but yea, everything was really good. but according to our worker guy, we didn't get as much 'service' as he had hoped. なんか、もっとイイモノが出ると思ったみたい。ちっぴり文句言ってましたね。

my mom was pretty pissy today tho. the entire way there, she kept bad-mouthing my sister and i. もうウザイし、最悪。seriously, she's got some real anger management issues. even during dinner, she kept bad-mouthing me, citing how i can't graduate in time and something about probably not being able to get a good job. 今の経済状況じゃ、私じゃなくてもいい仕事を見つけるのは困難だと思う。別に私だけじゃないし。-___-
well, after dinner, we got back to the car and there was a parking ticket. for expired plates. the stickers got here yesterday and she didn't bother putting them on. ざまぁみろ!
Currently listening to: Sunshine Girl - moumoon
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