today was super hectic. the bf and i were running around looking for a bath tub and some lights. we went all the way from torrance to pico rivera looking for it. -__- just becuase its the one my mom wanted... ホント頑固なんです。it literally took all day. apologies to the bf.
一応いいことはありました。やっと、「博多やまや」に行けましたぁ~!i've been wanting to go here since i heard it opened. we got there around 1:30 but the place was still pretty packed. good sign, right? ランチはスペシャルが何点かあって、ご飯・めんたいこ食べ放題付きで結構お得なのです。:) 私はホルモンとキャベツの味噌炒め、彼はから揚げの明太子ソースを注文。両方とも絶品!it was really good!! the miso itame was just the right amount of flavoring and the karaage was crispy on the inside and juciy on the inside. the sauce was really good too. i thought it might come on too strong but it was really light and accented the karaage. もちろん、ホルモンはめっちゃおいしかったですっ!明太子は以外とまぁまぁ。ちょっと塩辛すぎた。もうちょっと唐辛子の辛味があるほうが私は好き。but its free and tabehoudai, so i ate quite a bit. haha. 満足です。

for dinner, we got pizza and albertsons chicken. the pizza, we got at tony's pizza and it was a large for about $20. supreme style toppings. なんといってもデカイ。値段がそこそこするけど、その分、食べ応えがある。結構おいしかった。it seemed really fresh and they give you lots of toppings. a bit pricey tho... で、アルバートソンのチキン。its really good. haha. and cheap. but this time, we got the homestyle wings. apparently, it was sitting under the warmer too long. 硬すぎ。。。残念。it still tasted decent. hopefully, we have better luck next time.

Currently listening to: Devil Side - VAMPS
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