labor day. you get a day off but so do a lot of other places. meaning a lot of places are closed. so what do you do?? yea, we had the same question too.
the bf and i ended up finding this miniature golf place on yelp called putting edge and we decided to give it a try. 何か、暗闇の中で、glow するパット、ボール、などは使ってやるゴルフ。everythng was glow in the dark. lol. it was really interesting. in additon to the mini golf, the place also has a couple arcade games and 2 air hockey tables. ま、時間をつぶすにはちょうどいいかも。でも、ちょっぴり高め。一人$10.50. 出来ればもうちょっと安くして欲しいですな。but it was fun. for experience. they had some pretty interesting holes. too bad there's only one course so that once you're done, you're done. took us about an hour to get through the entire thing. and thats with us shooting at the same hole a couple of times.

after that, we decided to watch a movie. the other guys. 結構面白いって聞いたから。it was either that or scott pilgrim. 感想: 思ったほど面白くなかった。it gave you some food for thought. but not so much the laugh factor. もうちょっと面白いのかと思った。overall, the film was just decent. i did stick around for the very end tho. a lot of people left before that last bit after the credits. でも、知ってたから見れた。えへへ。

Currently listening to: Pump It! - Black Eyed Peas
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