Saturday, January 30, 2010


overall though, it's really interesting and sad. and i like sad. so i really like this series but its gonna be hard to read without crying. haha. i need to pace myself tho, so i don't start reading it like crazy. need to do schoolwork too.


Currently listening to: 涙空 - GReeeeN

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Roll House Sushi

last night, the roomie had a midterm until 7 so we decided to go out to eat for dinner. (it was her cooking day) で、当然の如くのようにお寿司に決まり!mainly cuz she had a coupon. lol. how cheap are we??

anyways, so we went to this place called Roll House Sushi in Santa Monica. it's located right by the 3rd St. Promenade on 4th St. tho. 結論から言うと、全然良くなかった。

first of all, the place is so dimly lit that its hard to even read the menu. -__- and then, despite the fact that there were only like 2 other customers besides us, it took forever for the food to come. on top of that, they mistook our order and the waitress was a bitch. 愛想もクソもない。

part of their menu

we had a $25 off $50 coupon. but the final bill came out to about $50. including the tax and 18% gratuity. あんなレベルの低いサービスに何で18%も払うのか理解できないけど、it was part of the coupon. *sigh* んで、結局割り勘。何で!?だって、私が料理当番で外食した日は私が全部払ったんだよ?だったら別に外食なんかしたくない。美味しくない上に高いし。馬鹿みたいじゃん。悲しい晩飯でした。

Currently listening to: 流れ星 - 中島美嘉

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mr. Smith goes to Washington

watched "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" in film class today. saw it back in senior year of high school for government class. でも、あまりにも時間が立ってたから残ってみることにした。メッチャ眠かったケド...

it was as good as i remember. and i totally remembered why we watched it. the process of making a bill, the inner workings of the Senate, and, of course, the infamous filibuster scene. 懐かしかった。i was surprised i remembered so much of those political terms. i think i got a 3 on the AP Gov test. haha

i'm glad i took this film class. a lot of the movies we watch are interesting :) plus, it's a nice break from all those difficult classes. lol

Currently listening to: 夏の思い出 - ケツメイシ

Sunday, January 24, 2010


リトル東京のホンダプラザに新しく和風中華屋さんができた。so the family and i decided to give it a try. since we all like chinese food :)

「満天」って言うところで、ホンダプラザの一番奥にある。メニューを見ると以外と豊富。but, if you get an entree, it doesn't come with rice. so you have to order it. お昼に行ったから、もうちょっと定職っぽいのがあると思ったのに。。。週末はお弁当もないし。仕方なく、麺類にすることにした。
ジャージャー麺を頼んだ。it was pretty good. but even though we were the only customers there, it took quite a while for the food to come. and even when it did, the first dish (my sisters) came and then it took another 10 mins for the next one to come. not very efficient... ジャージャー麺は以外と野菜が多かった。肉味噌にもいっぱい細かく切った野菜が。歯ごたえがあっていいかもだけど、もっとお肉が多いほうがよかった。i might go back. maybe for lunch during the week to try their bento.

Currently listening to: Bad - Michael Jackson

Saturday, January 23, 2010


久しぶりにしゃぶしゃぶ食べたぁ。it was so good. 特に、この寒い季節の鍋はいいよねぇ。体の心から温まるぅ。too bad the bf doesn't like onabe in general. that really bites. i mean, it's sooooo gooooood. i LOVE onabe. キムチ鍋、石狩鍋、すき焼き、モツ鍋、餃子鍋、などなど。うまし!lol
ugh. gots to go back to writing my research paper for film class. 6-8 pages. not that bad. but i haven't started on it and it's due wednesday. haha. gots so much reading to do for the research part... -_- i like that class, since we get to watch a lot of movies. like recently, we watched "Trouble in Paradise" which was interesting. it was a talkie and about this con artist couple. 面白い部分もあって、ちょっとコメディーっぽかった。dude, the girls back then were really skinny tooooooo. i wish i were... *sigh* back to work!!
Currently listening to: The Saltwater Room - Owl City

Friday, January 22, 2010


Focus is this little Japanese cafe that i went to today. had to go meet a friend of my mom's with her at the place. it's located in little tokyo, on the second floor of the plaza right next to the UBOC. 分かりにくいかな?あの、「JUNGLE」とかいうアニメ屋さんがあるところの上。(笑)

so, we ended up sitting there for nearly 4 hours. -_____- wasn't planning on staying that long but whatever. on the plus side, go to eat there too. my mom and i shared the カツサンド and きのこ和風ハンバーグ. it was really good!! びっくりした~。特にポテト。it's cut into wedges. and it's also lightly seasoned. mmmm good. hehe.

they also have lots and lots of manga. 漫画喫茶並みではないけど、そこそこの量。and on top of that, they have karaoke tooooo!! never got to try it and didn't find out the price but want to go back to try it. カラオケ大好き!早く行きたいなぁ。

Currently listening to: あなたに... - モンゴル800

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


知ってますか?ダウンタウン、ココリコ、山崎邦正のバラエティー番組、「ガキの使いやあらへんで!!」。毎年、12月31日、「紅白歌合戦」の裏番組として、「笑ってはいけないシリーズ」というものを放送してます。ぜひとも見てみてください。面白いです!you won't regret it :)
今年は「笑ってはいけないホテルマン」。they were all dressed as bellboys and it was pretty crazy. やっぱり、最近では最中に行われる「驚いてはいけないシリーズ」がツボです。it's so hysterically funny, watching those dudes run around screaming. lol. and this year's was one of the funniest.

according to the bf, out of the "waratte wa ikenai series", this was not so great. which is kinda true. i also liked past ones more. nonetheless, it's still pretty darn funny. it was 6 hours this year so it is full of surprises :)

Currently listening to: Paper Gangsta - Lady Gaga

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Koji BBQ Buffet

we were in torrance for lunch so the bf, big sis, and i decided to take a try at this all-you-can-eat bbq. 結論、そこそこイケます。they have a pretty wide variety of meats and side dishes as well as other main foods. if you're really hungry, this is a good place to fill up.
their pork was especially good. they had spare ribs and pork chops. the chops were so tender, all you needed was your teeth to tear it apart. ものすごくやわらかかった。味付けもしっかりしていておいしかった。their noodles are also very good. they had the korean glass noodles (チャプチェ) as well as the chinese noodles and both were pretty darn good. the bf said their fried chicken (から揚げ) was also good. 結構満足でしたね。and the price isn't too bad either. $12.50 for lunch. i know i've had a lot worse for a much higher price so overall, it was pretty decent :)

Currently listening to: Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles

so, this guy i know has been raving about this place. finally, i decided to give it a try and went to get some chicken and waffles.

i went to the one located in Pasadena. お昼前に行って、すでにめちゃ混み。だからテイクアウトにした。i had heard the waffles are ginormous. in reality, they're a little bigger than regular ones but thinner. んで、チキンはいたってフツー。正直、期待外れ。it was a lot of food for one order but i really don't understand what the big deal is about that chicken...

Currently listening to: pokerface - 浜崎あゆみ

Friday, January 15, 2010

Birthday Party

went to my roomies friend's birthday party tonight. i didn't know the girl but it was interesting. the roomie of the b-day girl was gay so there were a lot of gay people. which made it all the more fun. haha

でも、まぁ、皆さん、見事に酔っ払ってましたね。もう、ウルサイの何の。(笑)多分、記憶が飛んだ者は少なくないと思う。i had about a double shot of southern comfort and that was it. didn't really want to drink much since i'm getting up relatively tomorrow. but man, everyone else was getting pretty darn wasted. lol

we didn't stay very long since the roomie has school tomorrow. actually, today. but yea, it was a crazy and sexually charged atmosphere. first, we saw a lesbian couple make out. and then a heterosexual couple. and then a gay couple. dude, that couple went into one of the bedrooms. the owner started freaking out when he found out. だって、自分でベッドで他人がイチャつくのはイヤじゃん?but yea, since most of the guys there were gay, i think the girls were more likely to loose their inhibitions. i just hope that never happens to me. haha.

Currently listening to: Get the Party Started - PINK

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jang Geun Suk

my new lover :)
HOT HOT HOT!!! and amazingly talented as well. he is hot, sexy, and super cute. his awesome voice adds a nice touch to all of that. after watching "You're Beautiful", i am hooked on this hottie! マジで、演技うまいし、歌もうまいし、その上時にはかっこよく、時には可愛くでもう、メロメロです。*sigh* how can anyone be so amazing? i actually haven't crazed this much about someone since... HYDE! isn't that crazy?? i'm actually comparing this guy to hyde. my hyde-sama!! lol.

he showed off some amazing acting skills in "You're Beautiful". 面白し、俺様だし、かっこいいし、かわいい。全部だよね。and he sings!! hehe. not just as A.N.Jell but solos as well. i've been listening to a couple of his songs and they're really good :) ugh, now i want to learn korean. いつかね。

Currently listening to: Black Engine - Jang Geun Suk

Monday, January 11, 2010

You're Beautiful

omg, crazy good korean drama. 始めて韓流ドラマ見た。今まで偏見があったからかな。so 冬のソナタ=Winter Sonata, was a HUGE hit in japan. but everyone was saying how sad it was. since it was long and sad, i didn't think i could finish the series. だから見なかった。and a lot of people were telling me that most korean dramas were like that. so i never got around to watching any other one.

and then, my roomie introduced me to "You're Beautiful", and omg, Hwang Tae-Kyung, you are beautiful. (more on that in a different post). 結構すぐにハマッた。かわいいし、面白い。ちょっと「花ざかりの君たちへ」とかぶる所はあるけど、ストーリーが全然違う。regardless, it was a good series. plus, it was only 16 episodes long. that's manageable. and in about 3 or 4 days, minus this weekend, i finished it! it was seriously that good. (but not good for my schoolwork... -___-) 良かった~。特に、Tae-Kyung. but i am gonna dedicate a whole post to him later. he so deserves that. hehe.

Currently listening to: Promise - A.N.Jell

Saturday, January 9, 2010


wow. these past 3 days have been crazyy. soo much going on. let's get started:

had a small nomikai at my apartment. we got some kyochon, some alcohol, some guys, and rock band. この日はそこそこ飲んだ。had 3 bottles of smirnoff ice (don't do it, the carbonation almost killed me...) and a bit of coke and soco mix that my friend was drinking. rock band was fun. あんまりゲームは遊ばないけど、アレは結構面白かった。all the more fun if you know the songs. haha.
another small gathering at a friends house. it was a "game night" where all the guys freakin' brought all their consoles and were having fun. -___- 超つまんない。女友達が来るまで何もすることなかった。but after my girlfriend showed up, it was fine. we did so much talking. 久しぶりにあんなにおしゃべりした。:) afterwards tho, the bf and i had a huge fight over why i was in such a pissy mood that night. well no duh, he just freakin' left me to play games. stupid guys... but it's okay, we had an amazing night that night when i slept over at his place ;)


朝から映画。安いから。saw "Sherlock Holmes" with the oh so sexy Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. it was interesting but difficult to understand that old british accent. whatever, they were hot. :) その後はお父さんと姉とでタイ料理。it's this place called thai paradise. decent. you get a lot for your price. んで、その後はまた大喧嘩。彼と。別れる寸前、てか一応別れるところまで行った。ま、結局何とか仲直りしたんだけどね。馬鹿みたいね。
Currently listening to: Just Drag - Jang Geun Suk

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


今日は日本から戻ってきてる友達との飲み会。そして、ソイツの誕生日でもある。so, we decided to go to 「楽」 to celebrate. and because one of the guys going wanted to drink sake.

in all, 7 people went. got to the place a bit after 8. we all ordered food to share and some sake. でも、運転する人のいるからあんまり飲まなかった。私はたぶんお酒を一本分ぐらいかな?other people were drinking beer and stuff. あんまりビールは好きじゃないから、お酒だけ飲んでた。the ones that we ordered were suprisingly easy to drink. it was really light :)
the food was good. haha. everyone was just grabbing at it. we had a couple of different dishes. お好み焼きがすごい美味しかった。とうふサラダと砂肝のから揚げも。personally, i liked their salmon and garlic fried rice but ちょっと不評だった。with 7 people and a lot of eating and drinking, it only came out to about a bit over $200. not bad. なにより、楽しかった♪

Currently listening to: 気分上々↑↑ - mihimaru GT

Monday, January 4, 2010

Winter Quarter 2010

first day of classes was eh. i'm gonna hate 8 am classes tho... -___- 眠すぎる。せめて後一時間寝たい。
my japanese class is nothing like what i thought it'd be. it's called "Readings in Contemporary Japan". i guess the 21st century is not current enough. we're reading 芥川龍之介 and 江戸川乱歩. i mean, i've had an interest in them so it's good. the sucky part is the translation. ugh.



以外と訳すのは難しい。当たり前だけど。簡単なクラスかなって思ってたけど、そうも行かないかも。although, the prof seems like a good guy.

i really like my film class. we get to watch old old movies. hehe. でも、4時間はキツいね。esp. right after lunch. but yea, we watched "Singing in the Rain" today. i've seen it before but it was nice watching it again. good movie :)

Currently listening to: Is - 大塚愛

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Paranormal Activity

i have been wanting to watch this for the longest time ever and i finally was able to!! :) it all started with a friends going-away party...

so, one of my friends was heading up north and we had a going-away party for him. 彼の家で飲んだり、食べたり、みたいな?and then our little decided to relocate and watch Paranormal Activity.

once we get to the house, we start. man, the girls were fine. but there were these 2 guys who were just wussies. lol. they could even look at the screen. 全く、男として情けなくないのかね...

dude, and the movie wasn't even that scary. seriously. it was interesting and all and i liked it. but not that bad. the only part that got me going was at the very end. and that was more surprising than scary.

did you know that movie has a couple of alternate endings?? we ended up watching two kinds but the two guys that had seen it before both said that that was not the ending that they had seen so... i wonder where that went... で、終わってから友達のめっちゃウケる質問: "wait guys, is this real??" i was like, "yea, cuz real ones have alternate endings!" everyone was laughing. good times :)

Currently listening to: さそり座の女 - 美川憲一

Friday, January 1, 2010


お久ですっ!!カ・ラ・オ・ケ!but i finally got to go during my winter break. yeay~~~.

so, went to the max karaoke in little tokyo. too bad we missed happy hour tho, so it was a bit more expensive than expected. anywaysss, it was so much fun :) 男子3人と女子は私だけ。i wish more girls would come but whatever. that's what happens when your guy friends are single.

ま、超ぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅ楽しかったからいいけどね。omg, we did a couple of duet songs, (m-flo loves ___ and seamo feat. ___) and it was hilarious. since i'm the only girl, i was doing the girl parts of the parts i know. but the other guy doing the guy part was complaining that he doesn't know the guy parts too well. so.... 立場逆転、私が男、彼が女でチャレンジ!そしたら、あら、びっくり、君、女のパートウマイじゃん!みたいな?女の私としては悔しい。。。but yea, that guy can go pretty darn high. it was hysterical. もう、笑いすぎた。
Currently listening to: miss you - m-flo loves melody.&山本領平