i got this book for my birthday this year from a friend. i'm sure a lot of people have heard of it, especially since they're coming out with a movie of this sometime soon. (not sure when. sorry) anyways, i really love it! <3 this is the first real book that i've been into in the longest time. 最近はマンガばっかだったからなぁ~。絵がない本を読むのは本当に久しぶり。
edward is the perfect boyfriend. cynical and sarcastic as he is, you can tell that he really loves and cares for bella. you can't help but want to be in bella's shoes. うらやましい。うらやましすぎる!こんなオトコ絶対いないと思う。完璧すぎるもん。その上カッコいいなんて、詐欺だ。
ウチの彼氏には成せないことを軽々とやる。how lovely it would be to have the bf hold/caress me until i fell asleep. ありえない。he would be too knocked out for that to happen. oh, and a little bit of jealousy is always good. it makes you fell protected and worthy of attention. あんまりどうでもいいみたいな態度取られるとねぇ...本当にどうでもいいみたいって言うか...なんというか。難しいですね。
currently listening to: Incomplete - Back Street Boys
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