it was very pretty and all but the question was, why? it's the floor of a freaking old elevator for goodness sakes'. しかも最近の新しくてキレイなエレベーターじゃなくて結構古くてさび付いてきているようなヤツだし。似合わない...
if my boyfriend had decorated my room like this, it would be a nice surprise. the only thing i can think of that went on in that elevator is that someone either did this to surprise their significant other or whoever got that was frustrated/irritated and started lashing out in the elevator, swinging a bouquet of roses like a bat. あはは。後のだったら結構面白いかも。
if it were done as a surprise for someone, i think that's pretty sweet. 私もされてみた~い。ちょっと憧れるよね?でも、絶対ムリだな。彼全然そんなキャラじゃないもん。it would be nice if i got some sweet gestures from the bf every once and a while. but he's not a romanticist at all so... it's probably not going to happen. あんまりいつもいつもだとイヤだけど、たまにあるとやっぱうれしいよね~。大切にされてるって感じ?oh, and it has to be in private too. i don't want something extremely cheesy done to me in front of everyone to see. talk about embarrassing. maybe, if he does read this blog, the bf will finally be inspired. lol. hopefully.
currently listening to: i love you - 尾崎豊
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