today, i watched tropic thunder. despite all the hype that i had been hearing about it, it was so-so. did not live up to the expectations. maybe they were too high?? でも、まぁそこそこ面白かったと思う。
i personally think tom cruise's character was the best. めちゃめちゃ面ろかった~。はは。マジ笑えた。other than that, it was only funny at the stupid action parts. i actually fell asleep through the movie. for about 10 minutes. i started getting kinda sleepy so i lied down on the bf's lap. (膝枕!)and then, before i knew it, i was asleep. according to the bf, i fell asleep through some of the better parts. darn. when i woke up, they were already 突入済み。so it was a bit of a surprise. (笑)
今日はカラオケも行けたから楽しかった~。しかも happy hour でめっちゃ安かったし。二人で一時間9ドル弱。歌いまくったね~。チョー久しぶりだった。また新しい曲覚えて行きたいな~。やっぱ楽しいもん。
this is a picture i took at the bf's house today. isn't the flower really pretty?? i thought so too! :) btw, would anyone happen to know what flower that is? i'm not sure and i wanted to know. the bf obviously wasn't of any help... ちょっと気になる。
currently listening to: この瞬間きっと夢じゃない - Smap
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