中でも一番すきなのは和食。和食ならほとんどなんでも好き。やっぱ日本人やなぁ~。lol. but seriously. nothing beats japanese food. it is the best food on the planet. that said, i like everything from mexican to chinese to american to italian. pretty much everything! :) i just love food! haha
with a positive, there's always a negative. with a ying, there's also a yang. with a black, there's also a white. i pride myself in not having too much that i can't eat. but of course, i am human. and i also have things that i dislike. 例えば、虫類。絶対食べない。後は、、、食べなれていない動物は絶対要らない。for the most part. things like snake, cats, dogs, frogs, rabbits, etc, etc. 後はそんなに無いかな?食わず嫌いの方が多いと思う。(笑)
on a side note, here's what i found right outside my apartment this morning when i stepped out to walk to work.
that was a real big surprise. i saw the pile of junk sitting out the night before. and at that time, it was in it's original form, with no charring or anything else for that matter.一晩で何があったの!?って感じ。本当にびっくり。車もかわいそうに...i would be very pissed if that were my car. i feel really bad for the owner. unless, of course, they did it by themselves. then i would just think that they are idiots. haha ご愁傷様です。
currently listening to: ロケットスニーカー - 大塚愛
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