we live in... seriously. i was on this one news site, digg.com, and came upon some weird news. the first one was about a girl killing her best friend with a pair of eyebrow tweesers because she was told she was ugly. your BEST FRIEND. how could someone do such a thing. very freaky and disturbing.
here is the link to the article.
the second one was about a boy who hired people to kill his mother so he could use her money to get his girlfriend some breast implants. i don't know about you but i don't think breast implants are all that great. they're just silicone, for goodness sakes'. seriously. we live in seriously messed up world.
click here for the link to the article.
i really wonder what is going on with todays' youth. this is why i don't want to have kids. it seems that the world is becoming a harder and harder place to raise your kid without turning them into druggies or someone like the virginia tech guy. i don't think i can stand the thought of my children turning out like that. for now, i think i'll just stick with my 'no-kids' policy. 将来的に考えが変わるかも知れないけど。
今日は疲れた。色々あった。明日もがんばらないと。最近はやることが多すぎて頭が混乱気味。週末はゆっくり過ごしたいな~。彼と。:) i miss you...
currently listening to: vida la vida - coldplay
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
in a very bad mood. why?, you may ask. because, i have so much CRAP to do. especially all the reading that i now have to do because school has started. talk about tiring. i am definitely going to sleep soon.
on a good note, i got to see my bf today! :) i thought i might not so it was nice. but i think i get jealous too much. そんなに思ってるほどモテないだろうケド...(笑)
currently listening to: Prisoner of Love - 宇多田ヒカル
on a good note, i got to see my bf today! :) i thought i might not so it was nice. but i think i get jealous too much. そんなに思ってるほどモテないだろうケド...(笑)
currently listening to: Prisoner of Love - 宇多田ヒカル
Thursday, September 25, 2008
first day of school
and so it begins. once again, the boring cycle of school, work, home, homework has begun. although today was the first day of school and obviously, it's supposed to be a breeze, it was very very tiring. i had to run around to get my freaking course readers. damn professors. i had to get one at the ucla store because aps was printing it. the other one, i had to walk down to westwood to get it because the professor had it printed at course reader materials. can't they all just use aps?? bleh.

lugging around those course readers was a pain in the butt. which is probably why my back kinda hurts right now. -_- ガッコが終わったらお仕事。マジで疲れた。i guess i was sort of dragging my feet so i almost tripped god knows how many times. seriously. ヤバイよね。
making dinner was also a pain. 材料が色々無い上に買出しに行けないからもう本当に大変。this is the part that sucks about not living in the dorms. i mean, the food is way better, but getting ready really bites. めんどくさい。(笑)
well, i guess i should do some of that reading that some of the mean professors have already assigned. either that or read 'eclipse', the third book in the twilight series. that's probably what i'll end up doing. :P
currently listening to: Dolly - HYDE

lugging around those course readers was a pain in the butt. which is probably why my back kinda hurts right now. -_- ガッコが終わったらお仕事。マジで疲れた。i guess i was sort of dragging my feet so i almost tripped god knows how many times. seriously. ヤバイよね。
making dinner was also a pain. 材料が色々無い上に買出しに行けないからもう本当に大変。this is the part that sucks about not living in the dorms. i mean, the food is way better, but getting ready really bites. めんどくさい。(笑)
well, i guess i should do some of that reading that some of the mean professors have already assigned. either that or read 'eclipse', the third book in the twilight series. that's probably what i'll end up doing. :P
currently listening to: Dolly - HYDE
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lakeview Terrace
today was a nice and relaxing day. the bf and i had nothing much to do so we decided to go watch a movie. the bf had been wanting to watch 'lakeview terrace' ever since he saw the preview and noticed it was out. it was number 1 in the charts so we decided it shouldn't be too bad and went to watch it. verdict: ummm... okay?

the movie itself is a little less than 2 hours long. but man, it was slowwwwwww. lol. seriously. -_- the plot took a while to actually get to the point. quite boring. there were some funny parts here and there, but overall, it was just samuel l. jackson's character just abusing his authority as a veteran lapd officer to harass and torture his new next door neighbors. did i mention that they were an interracial couple?? ya, they are.
in the end, the officer just takes his harassment to the max and ends up flubbing and dead as well. stupid ending. a lot of nothing. there were so many parts that were unnecessary. i found it to be a bit of a waste of money. but that's just me.
currently listening to: still alive - Ellen McLain

the movie itself is a little less than 2 hours long. but man, it was slowwwwwww. lol. seriously. -_- the plot took a while to actually get to the point. quite boring. there were some funny parts here and there, but overall, it was just samuel l. jackson's character just abusing his authority as a veteran lapd officer to harass and torture his new next door neighbors. did i mention that they were an interracial couple?? ya, they are.
in the end, the officer just takes his harassment to the max and ends up flubbing and dead as well. stupid ending. a lot of nothing. there were so many parts that were unnecessary. i found it to be a bit of a waste of money. but that's just me.
currently listening to: still alive - Ellen McLain
Saturday, September 20, 2008

i got this book for my birthday this year from a friend. i'm sure a lot of people have heard of it, especially since they're coming out with a movie of this sometime soon. (not sure when. sorry) anyways, i really love it! <3 this is the first real book that i've been into in the longest time. 最近はマンガばっかだったからなぁ~。絵がない本を読むのは本当に久しぶり。
edward is the perfect boyfriend. cynical and sarcastic as he is, you can tell that he really loves and cares for bella. you can't help but want to be in bella's shoes. うらやましい。うらやましすぎる!こんなオトコ絶対いないと思う。完璧すぎるもん。その上カッコいいなんて、詐欺だ。
ウチの彼氏には成せないことを軽々とやる。how lovely it would be to have the bf hold/caress me until i fell asleep. ありえない。he would be too knocked out for that to happen. oh, and a little bit of jealousy is always good. it makes you fell protected and worthy of attention. あんまりどうでもいいみたいな態度取られるとねぇ...本当にどうでもいいみたいって言うか...なんというか。難しいですね。
currently listening to: Incomplete - Back Street Boys
Thursday, September 18, 2008
turns out, the damn thing is considered an 挨拶。知るかっ!そんなくだらない挨拶。なぜ分かったかといいますと、「正義の味方」で本郷奏多の役が電話でそう挨拶してたから。それまでは全くイミフメイだった。and after finally figuring out what that means, all i can say is... 意味わかんなくない?どこからそういう言葉が生まれてくるの??不思議です。

currently listening to: Moment like this - Leona Lewis
turns out, the damn thing is considered an 挨拶。知るかっ!そんなくだらない挨拶。なぜ分かったかといいますと、「正義の味方」で本郷奏多の役が電話でそう挨拶してたから。それまでは全くイミフメイだった。and after finally figuring out what that means, all i can say is... 意味わかんなくない?どこからそういう言葉が生まれてくるの??不思議です。

currently listening to: Moment like this - Leona Lewis
Monday, September 15, 2008
new マンガ!
today, was 古本屋めぐり with the bf. actually, we only went to 2. but whatever. i bought quite A LOT. with money i don't have. lol. bad me...
i recently got into this one 漫画家、瀬尾広治。少年漫画なんだけど、絵が結構好き。カワイイ系?何しろ、イイ。色々見て回って、「W's」全巻と「涼風」を1巻から11巻(多分まだ続きがある...)を買った。全部で$25ぐらいだった~。やっぱ古本やね。it's so much more cheaper. i got a lot of those darn books for about $1. heck yea!

oh, i also started reading the book 'twilight' today. seems like it might be pretty interesting. just that i like reading マンガ more than english books lately so i think i really need to put an effort in reading it. 一応面白そうだし。
currently listening to: あたらしい日々 - Every Little Thing
i recently got into this one 漫画家、瀬尾広治。少年漫画なんだけど、絵が結構好き。カワイイ系?何しろ、イイ。色々見て回って、「W's」全巻と「涼風」を1巻から11巻(多分まだ続きがある...)を買った。全部で$25ぐらいだった~。やっぱ古本やね。it's so much more cheaper. i got a lot of those darn books for about $1. heck yea!

oh, i also started reading the book 'twilight' today. seems like it might be pretty interesting. just that i like reading マンガ more than english books lately so i think i really need to put an effort in reading it. 一応面白そうだし。
currently listening to: あたらしい日々 - Every Little Thing
Sunday, September 14, 2008
today was a fun day. the bf slept over the night before so i got to see his lovely face when i woke up this morning. :) the best part of today was that i got to see my lovely girlfriend today!! チョー久しぶりだった~。お互い色々忙しくて中々スケジュールが合わなくて会えなかったからな~。 even then, i only saw her for about an hour and a half. but it was fun. we were giving each other updates and have silly girl talk as usual. we went to this boba place, 87degrees, which was pretty nice, and just sat and talked.
oh, and she gave me a belated birthday gift! i got a book called 'twilight' (which should be hitting theaters soon), a bag of ghirardelli chocolates, a $20 borders gift card, and a nice b-day letter. we also took a couple of polaroid pics. those things are so coolio. lol. 楽しかった~。周りの人たちはちょっと迷惑だったかも...(笑)。
友達と会った後はリトル東京までドライブ。慣れてきたからか運転するのが結構楽しくなってきた~。でも、やっぱりまだ若干コワイ。人とか轢いちゃったらどうしよう...とかってやっぱり思っちゃう。ま、安全第一ですね。the sister and i met up with mom at little tokyo and went to gardena. we had some goooooooooooddddddddddddd sushi for dinner. haha. めちゃめちゃウマい。でも、めちゃめちゃ高い。当たり前か...(笑)。ま、今日はそんな感じでしたね。
ciao for now :)
currently listening to: strawberry fields - the beatles
oh, and she gave me a belated birthday gift! i got a book called 'twilight' (which should be hitting theaters soon), a bag of ghirardelli chocolates, a $20 borders gift card, and a nice b-day letter. we also took a couple of polaroid pics. those things are so coolio. lol. 楽しかった~。周りの人たちはちょっと迷惑だったかも...(笑)。
友達と会った後はリトル東京までドライブ。慣れてきたからか運転するのが結構楽しくなってきた~。でも、やっぱりまだ若干コワイ。人とか轢いちゃったらどうしよう...とかってやっぱり思っちゃう。ま、安全第一ですね。the sister and i met up with mom at little tokyo and went to gardena. we had some goooooooooooddddddddddddd sushi for dinner. haha. めちゃめちゃウマい。でも、めちゃめちゃ高い。当たり前か...(笑)。ま、今日はそんな感じでしたね。
ciao for now :)
currently listening to: strawberry fields - the beatles
Saturday, September 13, 2008
最近カメラをもらって写真を取るのがめっちゃ楽しい。元々、写真は入るより取る方がスキだったからね。but yea, since i got the camera, i take it with me everywhere i go so i can have it handy whenever i run into a picture-worthy situation. lol. ホント、楽し~い!
さて、最近萌え~だったこと: i saw the puppy of my dreams at the pet store!! :) もう、めちゃめちゃカワイイの!(too bad i didn't take a pic. it was sleeping so it would've been kinda hard to to begin with anyways.) what? you may ask, is my dream dog. well, it's a mini long-haired dachshund. SOOOOOOO CUTEEEE!!!! :) もう、マジたまらんす!too bad my apartment is no pets and i have cats at home. plus, those things can be pretty expensive. the one i saw was around $1400. 高いよね。。。そんなお金ないし...

currently listening to: 陽は、また昇る - アラジン
さて、最近萌え~だったこと: i saw the puppy of my dreams at the pet store!! :) もう、めちゃめちゃカワイイの!(too bad i didn't take a pic. it was sleeping so it would've been kinda hard to to begin with anyways.) what? you may ask, is my dream dog. well, it's a mini long-haired dachshund. SOOOOOOO CUTEEEE!!!! :) もう、マジたまらんす!too bad my apartment is no pets and i have cats at home. plus, those things can be pretty expensive. the one i saw was around $1400. 高いよね。。。そんなお金ないし...

currently listening to: 陽は、また昇る - アラジン
Friday, September 12, 2008
imagine my surpise this morning when the elevator doors at my apartment opened and i saw this ↓:

it was very pretty and all but the question was, why? it's the floor of a freaking old elevator for goodness sakes'. しかも最近の新しくてキレイなエレベーターじゃなくて結構古くてさび付いてきているようなヤツだし。似合わない...
if my boyfriend had decorated my room like this, it would be a nice surprise. the only thing i can think of that went on in that elevator is that someone either did this to surprise their significant other or whoever got that was frustrated/irritated and started lashing out in the elevator, swinging a bouquet of roses like a bat. あはは。後のだったら結構面白いかも。
if it were done as a surprise for someone, i think that's pretty sweet. 私もされてみた~い。ちょっと憧れるよね?でも、絶対ムリだな。彼全然そんなキャラじゃないもん。it would be nice if i got some sweet gestures from the bf every once and a while. but he's not a romanticist at all so... it's probably not going to happen. あんまりいつもいつもだとイヤだけど、たまにあるとやっぱうれしいよね~。大切にされてるって感じ?oh, and it has to be in private too. i don't want something extremely cheesy done to me in front of everyone to see. talk about embarrassing. maybe, if he does read this blog, the bf will finally be inspired. lol. hopefully.
currently listening to: i love you - 尾崎豊
it was very pretty and all but the question was, why? it's the floor of a freaking old elevator for goodness sakes'. しかも最近の新しくてキレイなエレベーターじゃなくて結構古くてさび付いてきているようなヤツだし。似合わない...
if my boyfriend had decorated my room like this, it would be a nice surprise. the only thing i can think of that went on in that elevator is that someone either did this to surprise their significant other or whoever got that was frustrated/irritated and started lashing out in the elevator, swinging a bouquet of roses like a bat. あはは。後のだったら結構面白いかも。
if it were done as a surprise for someone, i think that's pretty sweet. 私もされてみた~い。ちょっと憧れるよね?でも、絶対ムリだな。彼全然そんなキャラじゃないもん。it would be nice if i got some sweet gestures from the bf every once and a while. but he's not a romanticist at all so... it's probably not going to happen. あんまりいつもいつもだとイヤだけど、たまにあるとやっぱうれしいよね~。大切にされてるって感じ?oh, and it has to be in private too. i don't want something extremely cheesy done to me in front of everyone to see. talk about embarrassing. maybe, if he does read this blog, the bf will finally be inspired. lol. hopefully.
currently listening to: i love you - 尾崎豊
Thursday, September 11, 2008
i am so tired. i worked about 10 hours today. もうマジで疲れた~。10時間働いてたった$98だよ。もうちょっと自給いいところって無いしね。*sigh*
i have work tomorrow morning too. =_= at least i have the room all to myself since my roomie left for home. that's the only good thing to happen today. that, and i was able to stuff myself silly for dinner. had インスタントラーメン and in-n-out. weird combination, right? haha でも、おいしいからいいの!そんじゃ、おやすみなさいです。
currently listening to: 雨傘 - TOKIO
i have work tomorrow morning too. =_= at least i have the room all to myself since my roomie left for home. that's the only good thing to happen today. that, and i was able to stuff myself silly for dinner. had インスタントラーメン and in-n-out. weird combination, right? haha でも、おいしいからいいの!そんじゃ、おやすみなさいです。
currently listening to: 雨傘 - TOKIO
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
tropic thunder

today, i watched tropic thunder. despite all the hype that i had been hearing about it, it was so-so. did not live up to the expectations. maybe they were too high?? でも、まぁそこそこ面白かったと思う。
i personally think tom cruise's character was the best. めちゃめちゃ面ろかった~。はは。マジ笑えた。other than that, it was only funny at the stupid action parts. i actually fell asleep through the movie. for about 10 minutes. i started getting kinda sleepy so i lied down on the bf's lap. (膝枕!)and then, before i knew it, i was asleep. according to the bf, i fell asleep through some of the better parts. darn. when i woke up, they were already 突入済み。so it was a bit of a surprise. (笑)
今日はカラオケも行けたから楽しかった~。しかも happy hour でめっちゃ安かったし。二人で一時間9ドル弱。歌いまくったね~。チョー久しぶりだった。また新しい曲覚えて行きたいな~。やっぱ楽しいもん。
this is a picture i took at the bf's house today. isn't the flower really pretty?? i thought so too! :) btw, would anyone happen to know what flower that is? i'm not sure and i wanted to know. the bf obviously wasn't of any help... ちょっと気になる。
currently listening to: この瞬間きっと夢じゃない - Smap
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
FREEDOM!!!!! :)
the grandparents finally left today!!! i have been waiting for this day since i first found out they were coming! haha. but seriously, my summer was severely impeded due to their arrival. やっと...やっと元の生活に戻れた~。夏休みのほとんどをつぶされたけど...マジいやになる。
today, while taking them to the airport and such, i was amazed at the amount of luggage/things they were taking home. it was astounding. they had 4 suitcases (1
regular suitcase, 1 really big duffel bag like thing, 1 big roller, and 1 medium bag) that was to be 預ける荷物。all stuffed to their max. and 2 carry-ons. 1 for each of them. even those were stuffed with as much things as they could put in. それでも全部持って帰れなかったんだからスゴイよね。多すぎだっつうの~
next year, i might be going to japan so they shouldn't be coming. SHOULDN'T BE. let's hope that's the case. でも、また来る気満々だからなぁ...*sigh* 考えただけでも疲れる。
currently listening to: カルマの坂 - ポルノグラフィティ
today, while taking them to the airport and such, i was amazed at the amount of luggage/things they were taking home. it was astounding. they had 4 suitcases (1
regular suitcase, 1 really big duffel bag like thing, 1 big roller, and 1 medium bag) that was to be 預ける荷物。all stuffed to their max. and 2 carry-ons. 1 for each of them. even those were stuffed with as much things as they could put in. それでも全部持って帰れなかったんだからスゴイよね。多すぎだっつうの~
next year, i might be going to japan so they shouldn't be coming. SHOULDN'T BE. let's hope that's the case. でも、また来る気満々だからなぁ...*sigh* 考えただけでも疲れる。
currently listening to: カルマの坂 - ポルノグラフィティ
currently listening to: 誰より好きなのに - Sowelu
currently listening to: 誰より好きなのに - Sowelu
Monday, September 8, 2008
意外と甘い物好きな私。but only if it's not too sweet. 子供のころはそれほど好きじゃなかった。でも最近めっちゃ好きになりつつある。そして、今日はめちゃめちゃおいしいスイーツに出会いました。じゃじゃ~ん:
this is the chocolate strawberry short cake. めちゃめちゃうまいの!simple, but amazingly delicious. :) it's available at this bakery called frances in little tokyo. they only have it on rare occasions so... it's very hard to come by. this is the first time i've ever seen it.もうとにかくおいしいの。大好きです!i think this is my favorite dessert in the whole wide world. it's that good. seriously, everyone's gotta try it. i am definitely gonna get this cake whole for like my next birthday or something.
the cute picture of the day:
isn't he adorable??? i love him. <3
currently listening to: prisoner of love - 宇多田ヒカル
the cute picture of the day:
currently listening to: prisoner of love - 宇多田ヒカル
Sunday, September 7, 2008
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I GOT MY L'ARC~EN~CIEL CD TODAY!!!! :) it's the "nexus 4/shine" maxi single. it's so awesome. でも、予約するの忘れてたから初回限定盤はムリかな~って思ってたら手に入った!よかった~~!!!!めちゃめちゃウレシイ。
to top it off, i got this awesome thing with my cd ↓:
hyde様大好きな私にとっては感激なできごとです。4分の1確立であたった~!total awesomeness. isn't he so sexy~??? haha. of course he is.
oh, and i also got the first album of GReeeeN today. that was a nice surprise too. i listened to it in the car a couple times and sounds pretty great. this was apparently a part of my birthday present from the bf. lol. he has given me too much.

i also got a webcam today ↑. 結構おもしろい。楽しい。あはは。ちょっと遊んでみた。コレもまた bf が買ってくれた。i swear, he's been spending so much on me recently, i feel kinda bad. i told him that i didn't need one but he said, 顔がみたいから。うれしい事言ってくれるじゃな~い。(笑)そんなこんなで今日は色々買っちゃいました~:
currently listening to: Shine - L'Arc~en~Ciel
to top it off, i got this awesome thing with my cd ↓:
hyde様大好きな私にとっては感激なできごとです。4分の1確立であたった~!total awesomeness. isn't he so sexy~??? haha. of course he is.
oh, and i also got the first album of GReeeeN today. that was a nice surprise too. i listened to it in the car a couple times and sounds pretty great. this was apparently a part of my birthday present from the bf. lol. he has given me too much.
i also got a webcam today ↑. 結構おもしろい。楽しい。あはは。ちょっと遊んでみた。コレもまた bf が買ってくれた。i swear, he's been spending so much on me recently, i feel kinda bad. i told him that i didn't need one but he said, 顔がみたいから。うれしい事言ってくれるじゃな~い。(笑)そんなこんなで今日は色々買っちゃいました~:
- L'Arc~en~Ciel CD
- web camera
- bunch of manga
- kitchen thingys for the apartment
currently listening to: Shine - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Huntington Beach
today, i went to huntington beach with the family. it was a really interesting place and i really want to go back again with the bf. especially since i was only able to stay for about an hour.
the place has some places to go shopping as well as the beach. (duh!) oh, and a lot of eateries. plus, some interesting people. it would be fun to just people watch there too. there was some guy preaching about how people are damned and bound to go to hell too. those people are everywhere. it kinda gets annoying. -_- according to the guy at huntington, if you even look at someone of the opposite sex and lust after them, you have sinned.well then, we obviously know that i have sinned a dozen times over. haha. oh well.
here are some pictures of the place. looks better in person. lol

currently listening to: キセキ - GReeeeN
the place has some places to go shopping as well as the beach. (duh!) oh, and a lot of eateries. plus, some interesting people. it would be fun to just people watch there too. there was some guy preaching about how people are damned and bound to go to hell too. those people are everywhere. it kinda gets annoying. -_- according to the guy at huntington, if you even look at someone of the opposite sex and lust after them, you have sinned.well then, we obviously know that i have sinned a dozen times over. haha. oh well.
here are some pictures of the place. looks better in person. lol
currently listening to: キセキ - GReeeeN
Friday, September 5, 2008
i haven't started school yet and boy, am i glad. there are quite a number of people around me who have and i feel sorry for them. but hey, they end earlier than i do so, bleh. (bastards...)
still, it's right around the corner and i have to pay my fees and such. -_- お金が無いよ~。*sniff sniff* 考えるのがイヤになる。無いものは無いのにね~。何もかもが高すぎるんだよ。i still have to buy my textbooks too... argh, i don't have the money. マジでどうしよう...ガッコは大変じゃあのぅ~
but it is school that gives me the freedom that i get. if not for school, i would be trapped forever in this hell hole called home. at least school gives me an excuse to not be at home. :) そういう面ではいいね~。(笑)but still, so much money...
currently listening to: HANABI - Mr. Children
still, it's right around the corner and i have to pay my fees and such. -_- お金が無いよ~。*sniff sniff* 考えるのがイヤになる。無いものは無いのにね~。何もかもが高すぎるんだよ。i still have to buy my textbooks too... argh, i don't have the money. マジでどうしよう...ガッコは大変じゃあのぅ~
but it is school that gives me the freedom that i get. if not for school, i would be trapped forever in this hell hole called home. at least school gives me an excuse to not be at home. :) そういう面ではいいね~。(笑)but still, so much money...
currently listening to: HANABI - Mr. Children
Thursday, September 4, 2008
今の彼とでは、向こうから告白してきた。正直めっちゃ驚いた。そのころはよく色々話し始めていたけどその前は結構キライだったかも...あはは。今は正反対だけどね。so you can't blame me when i at first didn't believe him. i think it's safe to say that until a a couple months before we started talking frequently, we both disliked each other. lol
前カレとはなんとなくだったなぁ。なんとなく付き合ってるみたくなって、じゃあ明日から official にする?みたいな。(笑)だから告白とかはなかったね。we both liked each other and i guess we both could tell. it just happened.
i really like those lyrics. very nicely put :)
relationships can be very difficult. i'm not sure what's going on but something is wrong. i honestly don't think it's me this time.
yesterday, the bf was supposed to visit me so we could go out to eat or something after he was done hanging out with his friends. but that couldn't happen because he had to pick up his little sister. i didn't mind. we weren't scheduled to meet in the first place. しょうがないじゃん?ま、会えないって知ったときはちょっと寂しかったけど...
but when he came back from picking up his sister and after we had talked a while, he decides to go out to eat with his friends. -_- i was expecting to be able to talk to him a lot more. but no. it's not fair.... and then, when i say he can go now (before his friends arrived) he just turns off his computer. without a goodbye or anything. 失礼だし、普通そういうことする?we were still chatting... before i knew it, he was gone. 今日電話あったけど謝らないし...he makes it seem like it's not his fault. but it is. i was trying to be nice. let him hang out with his friends despite being cancelled on.
currently listening to: 告白 - Funky Monkey Babys

今の彼とでは、向こうから告白してきた。正直めっちゃ驚いた。そのころはよく色々話し始めていたけどその前は結構キライだったかも...あはは。今は正反対だけどね。so you can't blame me when i at first didn't believe him. i think it's safe to say that until a a couple months before we started talking frequently, we both disliked each other. lol
前カレとはなんとなくだったなぁ。なんとなく付き合ってるみたくなって、じゃあ明日から official にする?みたいな。(笑)だから告白とかはなかったね。we both liked each other and i guess we both could tell. it just happened.
大好きだ 大好きなんだ
それ以上の言葉を もっと上手に届けたいけど
どうしようもなく 溢れ出す想いを伝えると
ただそれだけで でもそれがすべて
i really like those lyrics. very nicely put :)
relationships can be very difficult. i'm not sure what's going on but something is wrong. i honestly don't think it's me this time.
yesterday, the bf was supposed to visit me so we could go out to eat or something after he was done hanging out with his friends. but that couldn't happen because he had to pick up his little sister. i didn't mind. we weren't scheduled to meet in the first place. しょうがないじゃん?ま、会えないって知ったときはちょっと寂しかったけど...
but when he came back from picking up his sister and after we had talked a while, he decides to go out to eat with his friends. -_- i was expecting to be able to talk to him a lot more. but no. it's not fair.... and then, when i say he can go now (before his friends arrived) he just turns off his computer. without a goodbye or anything. 失礼だし、普通そういうことする?we were still chatting... before i knew it, he was gone. 今日電話あったけど謝らないし...he makes it seem like it's not his fault. but it is. i was trying to be nice. let him hang out with his friends despite being cancelled on.
currently listening to: 告白 - Funky Monkey Babys
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
FOOD!!! :)
anyone who knows me pretty well, knows that i like food, especially eating it. i like to cooking too, but i like eating even more. i mean, who doesn't like to eat, right? but the bf says i'm too picky with food. でも、どうせ食べるならおいしい方がいいでしょ?おいしいもの大好き!!!
my lunch the other day! :) おいしかった~
中でも一番すきなのは和食。和食ならほとんどなんでも好き。やっぱ日本人やなぁ~。lol. but seriously. nothing beats japanese food. it is the best food on the planet. that said, i like everything from mexican to chinese to american to italian. pretty much everything! :) i just love food! haha
with a positive, there's always a negative. with a ying, there's also a yang. with a black, there's also a white. i pride myself in not having too much that i can't eat. but of course, i am human. and i also have things that i dislike. 例えば、虫類。絶対食べない。後は、、、食べなれていない動物は絶対要らない。for the most part. things like snake, cats, dogs, frogs, rabbits, etc, etc. 後はそんなに無いかな?食わず嫌いの方が多いと思う。(笑)
on a side note, here's what i found right outside my apartment this morning when i stepped out to walk to work.

that was a real big surprise. i saw the pile of junk sitting out the night before. and at that time, it was in it's original form, with no charring or anything else for that matter.一晩で何があったの!?って感じ。本当にびっくり。車もかわいそうに...i would be very pissed if that were my car. i feel really bad for the owner. unless, of course, they did it by themselves. then i would just think that they are idiots. haha ご愁傷様です。
currently listening to: ロケットスニーカー - 大塚愛
中でも一番すきなのは和食。和食ならほとんどなんでも好き。やっぱ日本人やなぁ~。lol. but seriously. nothing beats japanese food. it is the best food on the planet. that said, i like everything from mexican to chinese to american to italian. pretty much everything! :) i just love food! haha
with a positive, there's always a negative. with a ying, there's also a yang. with a black, there's also a white. i pride myself in not having too much that i can't eat. but of course, i am human. and i also have things that i dislike. 例えば、虫類。絶対食べない。後は、、、食べなれていない動物は絶対要らない。for the most part. things like snake, cats, dogs, frogs, rabbits, etc, etc. 後はそんなに無いかな?食わず嫌いの方が多いと思う。(笑)
on a side note, here's what i found right outside my apartment this morning when i stepped out to walk to work.
that was a real big surprise. i saw the pile of junk sitting out the night before. and at that time, it was in it's original form, with no charring or anything else for that matter.一晩で何があったの!?って感じ。本当にびっくり。車もかわいそうに...i would be very pissed if that were my car. i feel really bad for the owner. unless, of course, they did it by themselves. then i would just think that they are idiots. haha ご愁傷様です。
currently listening to: ロケットスニーカー - 大塚愛
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
so, the bf got his dell laptop that he ordered about 2 weeks ago. and it finally came today. took awhile, yea. anyways, he ordered the laptop to be shipped by second day air. but when the package arrived, he noticed that it was shipped by ground. funky, right? -_-
the bf decided to complain to dell since he was charged $60 for the shipping. 高いよね。だからどうせなら文句言ってお金返してもらう方が得じゃん?so that was what he did. he was on the phone for about an hour and a half. nothing was resolved. he spoke to so many people and went to the highest position he could get to (the manager on duty) but nothing would be able to get done. which really bites because he should be entitled to a refund for the shipping since he didn't get what he payed for. or am i wrong??
either way, dell has got some crappy customer service. they really should do something about that. じゃないといつか痛い目見る。he's gonna try to find a way to get his money back. good luck! :) let's hope there's an answer.
currently listening to: 何度も - 青山テルマ
the bf decided to complain to dell since he was charged $60 for the shipping. 高いよね。だからどうせなら文句言ってお金返してもらう方が得じゃん?so that was what he did. he was on the phone for about an hour and a half. nothing was resolved. he spoke to so many people and went to the highest position he could get to (the manager on duty) but nothing would be able to get done. which really bites because he should be entitled to a refund for the shipping since he didn't get what he payed for. or am i wrong??
either way, dell has got some crappy customer service. they really should do something about that. じゃないといつか痛い目見る。he's gonna try to find a way to get his money back. good luck! :) let's hope there's an answer.
currently listening to: 何度も - 青山テルマ
Monday, September 1, 2008
お仕事始めてからもうすぐ一年経つ。何かそろそろやめたい気がする。i did get a pay raise but the place is sooooooooooooooooo boring. most of the other student workers don't talk either and everything is very redundent. i must say, it is definitely not the best place to work. でも、今の給料が捨てられない悲しい私でございます。
この先のことを考えると少し不安になる。what do i want to do with my life?? 別に何か特技があるわけでもないし...やりたいことも無い。日本のOLみたいになるのかしら?i hear they get pretty good pay. but if it were america, i doubt that would be the case. i really should consider what i might want to do. i still have some time, but not too much... :[
going to grad school is one option. but the one i want to go to is one of the top 10 business grad schools in the NATION. there is no way i can compete. 自分で言うのもちょっと悲しい(笑)。plus, i'm not sure if i want to go to school for another 2 years. 勉強好きじゃないし...どうしましょう。
for now, i need to consider if i want to continue my current part time. are the wages really worth it?? for a poor college student, i would say yes. *sigh* but if the opportunity does arrive, i think i will be quitting. だって...イヤなんだもんっ!
oh! and i got a digital camera!!! thank you bf!!!!!!! :) you really are awesome!
currently listening to: apologize - one republic feat. timbaland
この先のことを考えると少し不安になる。what do i want to do with my life?? 別に何か特技があるわけでもないし...やりたいことも無い。日本のOLみたいになるのかしら?i hear they get pretty good pay. but if it were america, i doubt that would be the case. i really should consider what i might want to do. i still have some time, but not too much... :[
going to grad school is one option. but the one i want to go to is one of the top 10 business grad schools in the NATION. there is no way i can compete. 自分で言うのもちょっと悲しい(笑)。plus, i'm not sure if i want to go to school for another 2 years. 勉強好きじゃないし...どうしましょう。
for now, i need to consider if i want to continue my current part time. are the wages really worth it?? for a poor college student, i would say yes. *sigh* but if the opportunity does arrive, i think i will be quitting. だって...イヤなんだもんっ!
oh! and i got a digital camera!!! thank you bf!!!!!!! :) you really are awesome!
currently listening to: apologize - one republic feat. timbaland
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