Sunday, November 28, 2010


昨日は何か、実家週へで色々と事件があったみたい。一つは火事。somewhere in el monte. i think a clothing warehouse caught on fire which led to a couple more catching fire as well. i think about 150 firefighters were brought in to fight that fire. 結構大変だったみたい。彼が間近で見てきたみたい。いいなぁ。私も見たかった。迫力大だろうね。
at night, there was a car chase around our area as well. some guy was running from the police after an assault with a deadly weapon. バカねぇ。逃げ切れると思ってるのかな?無理っしょ。and of course, he was caught. 結構アッサリ終わりました。木にぶつかって終わり。あっけないね。

our neighborhood is usually pretty quiet so its rare for such happenings to occur on the same day. turned out to be an interesting night after all.

Currently listening to: Whip my Hair - Willow Smith

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yard Sale

yesterday (black friday) and today were spent doing a yard sale to get rid of something before we have to move back to my old house. man, am i tired. 足がクタクタ。得に踵。めっちゃ疲れた。

we had a bunch of stuff to sell. the bf set up his rc helicopters to sell. and we had a bunch of stuff too. keyboard (piano), sofa, mattress, bed frame, kotatsu, clothes, dishware, etc. もう、安くてもいいからとにかく売ることに専念したね。あまりにもものが多いから。2日間がんばった結果、ほとんどのものが売れた。売れ上げも$200超えたしね。まぁまぁだと思います。we still have a bunch more clothes tho. and the sofa didn't sell. so, my mom is saying that we'll be doing another one next weekend as well... -__- メンドクサイです。

Currently listening to: 天体観測 - Bump of Chicken

Thursday, November 25, 2010


i hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving! mine was eh. 特になにもしなかったね。七面鳥は食べなかったし。no one in my family besides myself seems to like turkey... 残念ですが、多数決で食べれませんでした。last year, the bf's family made turkey so i got some of that. but this year, he didn't bring me any.... so sad.
日本人って結構七面鳥キライな人多いみたいね。パサパサするし、ニオイがだめみたい。seems like my entire family agrees, along with the bf. 私は好きなんだけどなぁ。他の日系家庭はどうなんだろう?

Currently listening to: Flavor of Love - 宇多田ヒカル

Monday, November 22, 2010


after this quarter, i'm done with school. which means, i should start looking for a job. 分かってるんだけど、色々忙しくて中々出来ない。でも、最近母がウルサイ。she keeps nagging me about resumes and whatnot. and she yells at me about how "everyone else is already applying". 正直ウザイ。「みんな」って誰やねん。こっちにだって色々あるし。言われなくても、考えてるし。忙しい一番の原因はアナタだし。

学校、仕事、母の仕事、家事、家の建て直し、等などで最近はものすごく忙しい。i really don't think my mom understands how hard life is for me right now. i mean, its my last quarter so i really can't mess up. and i have a lot of work: readings and write-ups, 2 papers, tests, etc. in addition to that, i have to work or i won't have enough money to pay for my rent and tuition. それにプラスして、週末は家に帰って手伝い。母の仕事の手伝いに家のこと。on top of that, i take care of all the rebuilding the house stuff that my mom can't do. that's a lot of stuff. its really becoming overwhelming. because of all this stuff, i really don't have a life of my own. 最近全然友だちとも遊べてないし、彼ともまともに遊べない。私そんなに器用で要領よくないから、今でいっぱいいっぱい。
but i really should work on my resume. maybe this thanksgiving weekend. hopefully, i can get a lot of school work done before wednesday and have the weekend free for stuff like that. ただ、まだ引越しもある。。。ホント、やらなきゃいけないことは尽きない。

Currently listening to: 花 - Orange Range

Saturday, November 20, 2010


so, its raining. not that i don't like the rain or anything. it's fine, as long as i don't have school. 雨の中、学校に行くのは大変だから。でも、雨のせいで、めっちゃ寒い。気温低すぎ。しかも、よりによって今日、、、
today, i had to go to the old house (in the process of being rebuilt) for an inspection. the time slot was from 10-12. apparently, they can't get anymore specific than that. バカじゃねぇの?難しくないでしょ...絶対ふざけてる。しょうがないから、10時から家でスタンバイ。寒い雨の中、ひたすら来るのを待つ。once it hit 11:30, i started calling the company that's doing the inspection. of course, they don't answer. it's so stupid... i call a dozen times over and still no answer or call back. で、12時ギリギリにやっと車が一台。apparently, the inspector had an "emergency". mmhmm. emergency. ugh.

the inspection itself didn't take too long. she just took a bunch of pics and i signed some paper work. 15 minutes tops. でも、待ち時間が長すぎ。寒かったぁ。

Currently listening to: 駅 - 竹内まりや

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gui Rim AYCE Korean BBQ

last night, the bf and i went to korean bbq, since i've been craving it for a while. i kinda wanted to pig out so we went to an AYCE that got pretty good ratings on yelp. of course, it was in k-town.
お店自体はさほど大きくなかった。7時過ぎぐらいに行ったら、まだあんまり人が入ってなかった。i guess they only have AYCE cuz we didn't even get an option of ordering anything. they have a huge menu on the wall and you can order from there. でも、座った席から結構遠くて、見えない、、、みたいな。ま、何とか注文は出来たかな。overall, it was decent. the waiters weren't bad but the service sucked. mid-way into the meal, a lot of people started coming in and they got pretty busy. でも、だからってこっちが疎かになるのはどうかと思う。注文したものは出てこないし、なかなか呼んでも来ないし。ちょっぴり「イラッ」。

in the end, we weren't able to eat to much. but it was decent. their boneless ribs were pretty good. haha. でも、もっといいところ知ってる人いない?

Currently listening to: Black Engine - Jang Geun Suk

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ami Sushi

had an interesting lunch today. my supervisor offered to take me out to lunch. i'm only going to be working for a couple more weeks, so she decided to take me out. ま、最後の記念に、って事だと思う。でも、いつもお弁当を持っていく私は今日は持って行かなかったので、ラッキー♪
we discussed what to eat and ended up going to ami sushi in westwood. 以前に見かけて気になってたから、丁度よかったです。それに、お寿司は大好物なので。from the outside, the store looks pretty small. but the inside was huge! they even had a second floor. 薄暗くて、結構オシャレーな感じ。メニューがすごく豊富。ただ、ちょっと高め。so i felt kinda bad. i ended up getting a roll. the dynamite roll. i really like dynamite. so fatty but so damn good. haha. the roll just has dynamite over a california roll. my supervisor got the UCLA roll. that had baked salmon on top of a california roll. 一つ味見にくれて、おいしかった!両方とも$9前後なんだけど、ボリュームたっぷりだったから、妥当なお値段かも。

結構色々なお話をした。家族、将来、過去、世間話、などなど。it was really interesting. and really fun. i think i might miss this workplace. maybe.

Currently listening to: ベイビー・アイ・ラブ・ユー - TEE

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Driving and 合点寿司

man, today i did a ton of driving. and it was with my mom right next to me, which i hate.... めっさ疲れた。i went from my house to torrance, which is about 30 miles away. and then from there, i went to anaheim, then to cerritos, then to pico rivera, and finally home. ホントに大変だった。散々お母さんに文句言われた。仕舞いにはちょっと泣けてきた自分が情けない。運転中に泣かせるのもいかがなものかと思いますが、、、

but i got sushi for dinner so it's all good. went to Gatten Sushi in Cerritos. 最近オープンしたらしいです。回転すし。最近増えてますね。it's all $2 a plate. so yea, same price as Kula in Irvine. でも、味はこっちの方が上。ネタも新鮮だし、種類が豊富。色々な変わり寿司があった。man, it was 4 women, and we finished 29 plates. haha. by the time i was done, i was stuffed. i definitely want to go back :D
Currently listening to: GLORIA - YUI

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

today was kinda hectic, kinda not. really weird day...
obviously, because of veteran's day, i had not school. hooray! hehe. でも、母のお仕事のお手伝いで、朝から大忙し。それも、お昼までには落ち着き、彼とお出かけすることに。we went to the Los Angeles Air Force Base near LAX. the bf works there sometimes and needed to do something. it was my first time there but it was interesting. a lot cleaner and nicer than expected. lol. でも、あまりやることは無さそう。
after that, we grabbed lunch at Umemiya in Torrance. the bf loves the umani yakisoba there. haha. 私は焼肉定食を取ったけど、まぁまぁでしたね。最近焼肉が食べたくて、、、でも、韓国焼肉が食べたい私は、和風の焼肉では満足できないみたいです。i really really want to go...

after lunch, we headed over to santa monica. i still had to do stuff for my mom's work so we killed some time browsing at the santa monica place and 3rd street. man, the new mall is niiiiice. でも、高いものばかりで、何も買えない。残念。
after i finished with work, i just sat around with the bf and a friend and watched the sun set in santa monica. it was really pretty. and it was nice, since it felt like we were really spending some nice quality time. 楽しかった。

since i'm staying over at the bf's house today, we decided to hang out at round 1. 色々遊んだし、プリクラも取った~。でも、最後は母からの電話にイライラしちゃって、彼と喧嘩。ゴメンナサイ。でも、もう仲直りしたから大丈夫!ではでは、おやすみなさい。

Currently listening to: おかえり - 絢香

Wednesday, November 10, 2010






Currently listening to: LOVE LOVE LOVE - Dreams Come True

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i made a huge mistake today... well, maybe not huge, but a very stupid one. i was going home as usual on my bus. で、最近夢中になってる携帯小説を読んでたの。で、気が付いたら、バスが曲がってた。my bus stop for the apartment is right after it turns. until then, the bus runs a straightaway for a while. だから、気づいたら、時すでに遅しで、下りれず...仕方なく、次で下りようと思ったら、次がまら、遠い!there are some places where the bus stops at every block. but no. after my stop, it goes on for another 3 or 4 blocks... しかも、帰りは坂道を上るから、結構キツイ。ugh. i feel so stupid.

on the plus side, my mom brought me sushi. 栄寿司。トーランスの。i love their sushi. hehe. so my mom brought me some for dinner. 最高においしかったです。また食べたいなぁ。

Currently listening to: Gee - 少女時代

Sunday, November 7, 2010


had another bbq today. my mom really likes to do those now. it's fine but getting ready is a pain... -__- plus, its always just the family so its kinda boringgg.
anyways, this time, we had a lot of veggies. お父さんがいっぱい買ってきた。量もさることながら、種類もいっぱいあった。we had corn,tomatoes, carrots, okra, shishito, russet potatoes, white potatoes, and satsuma potatoes. there was so much, i wasn't sure if we'd be able to finish. haha. でも、ほとんど食べちゃった。特にサツマイモがおいしかった~。久しぶりにめっちゃ野菜食べた。満足です。

Currently listening to: Today Was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

China Blue

i think that was the name of the film. i watched it last week in one of my classes. it discusses dormitory labor in china, a fast growing trend. 人があふれ帰る中国では、今や世界でもトップを走る勢いでの経済的急成長を遂げている。そんななか、犠牲になる人たちももちろんいる。the film is about these people.
in this particular film, the focus is on a workers in a jeans factory. these people are made to live in the dorms provided by the factory and made to work under horrendous conditions for very little pay. でも、写してたのは、マシな方。他はもっとひどいらしい。the workers have to work long hours and are not allowed to yawn, talk, or anything without permission. many working under such conditions are young women. 私より若いコがいっぱい写ってた。そう考えるといかに自分が恵まれてるか重い知らさせるね。

all this is done to keep the costs low so that china can compete with international markets. as a consumer of such goods, i cannot help but feel guilty. でも、だからと言って、その分いっぱいお金を使いたい訳ではない。ものすごいジレンマ。while i would like to advocate for their workers' rights, i still like my cheap stuff. 複雑です。

Currently listening to: Only Girl in the World - Rihanna

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

so, this year was quite uneventful. didn't really do much at all for halloween. ま、ハロウィン自体あまりいい思い出があるわけでもないけど。ほとんど大体家で過ごす。

i've only been trick-or-treating once for halloween. other than that, i think the most we've ever done to celebrate halloween was when we went out to look at decorations last yea. 後は大体母が飴買うのを嫌がるから、家でおとなしくしてます。and so, since my mom was too cheap to buy candy again this year, we ended up going out for dinner. went to bamboodles again. いっぱい食べ過ぎた。でも、おいしかった。

the house at the corner of my street was really into the halloween spirit. haha. they opened up their house into an お化け屋敷 and there were scary costumed people walking around with chainsaws and such. every now and then, you could hear people screaming. 行ってみたかったんだけど、誰も一緒に来てくれなさそうだったから、諦めた。楽しそうなのになぁ。残念!maybe next year. :)

Currently listening to: always dreaming - V6