today was one of the most stressful days of my life.. first, was my midterm. all i wanted was a c. which i got. あんまり勉強できなかったから当然だし?there was one question i had no clue about so i totally bs-ed it. so i was fine. but the TA wasn't... なんと、B以下は居残りで一対一で何が悪かったか相談だって。ugh... i really don't like this TA... anyways, so when i talked to her, it was just about that one question that i didn't get and she said that that's pretty much my only problem. that, and my lack of details. too broad... ま、次回のファイナルはがんばらねば。
then, i find out that the bf, who was supposed to pick some mattresses for us, had forgotten the reciept with me. (i told him to hold on to it but he insisted that i do...) で、アパートに戻ることに。結局仕事は出来ずに。on the way home, my mom calls me, pissed off about the fact that her bluetooth headset wouldn't work. 知らんし。何も出来ひんし。どないせぇゆうねん。UGH. so i tell her to go to a bestbuy to have it looked at. the entire time, she's ranting on and on about how its probably my fault. and then she goes on blaming me for the fact that i have the reciept for the mattresses. IT'S NOT MY FAULT! もうホントいや。めっちゃ泣いちゃったし。i haven't cried that hard in a while... i guess it wasn't just today. i mean, i've been kinda stressed a lot these past few weeks. 家のことがほとんどだけど。life is so stressful...
Currently listening to: 向かい合わせ - aiko
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