last night, the bf and i went over to a friends' house to eat some chicken, have some drinks, and just talk. we grabbed some kyochon chicken in k-town and man, did it take forever. 注文してから30分以上待たされた。長すぎだよね。initially, they told me 15~20 minutes. i thought that was long. and when we came back in 20 mins, they still weren't ready. seriously!? how long does it take to baste 20 wings?? いい加減腹立って文句言っちゃった。マネージャーらしき人に。「いつまで待たせるんだぁ」的な?(笑)ただ平謝り。i know its not his fault. but since he's in charge, i complained to him. although he sounded like he didn't understand most of what i was talking about. lol. 最終的にはタダで大根のピクルスをもらちゃった。しかも、帰りはドアまで開けてくれて。あはは。すんませんねぇ。

and we got some wine coolers at cvs. i like wine coolers so we stuck with that. hehe. we got the strawberry daiquiris from b&j. おいしかった。やっぱ、ビールとかより、そういうなんがイイね。で、飲みながらおしゃべり。the friend told me that apparently, one of his friends that i met at the anime expo interview thing found me desireable (?). lol. apparently, he was a bit upset when he found out i had a bf. ま、うれしいっちゃうれしいけど、、、別にかっこよくなかったしね。and then we got into a discussion about why girls aren't too happy when they find out the guy that likes them isn't too hot. だってね。his standards are low to begin with. i mean, the guy has lived a decent amount of time to figure out what he can and what he can't get. だから、そういう人にカワイイとか言われてもなぁ。自分はまずまずなんだなぁって思うだけだもん。分かる?

anyways, the guys spent the rest of the night just talking about work and websites and whatnot. つまんな~い。あはは。結局帰ったのが0時ぐらい。彼ん家にお泊り。ま、で結局ヤッちゃう訳ですが、、、えへへ。so i guess the 悩み is resolved? but if i weren't so tired, i honestly wanted a bit more. o well, i guess you can't have everything in life, right?
Currently listening to: HONEY - L'Arc~en~Ciel
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