is a real b***h... (excuse the language) やっといいの見つけたかな?って思ったら、結局だめ。ugh. why is this happening. i need to move out in 2 weeks. i still have no clue where i can go.... grrrrrrrr. だからアパート探しって嫌い。
so, i was supposed to get a room in a house that my dad's friends' son lives in. i went to check it out last night and it was decent. only thing is that its really far from school. バスを乗り継いで1時間の通学。結構キツイっしょ?で、迷ってたけど、結構本決まりだったんだよね。but the guy still needed to ask the landlord about deposits and stuff so we left for the night.
later that night, i get a text back telling me the roommate doesn't want another person in the house... -_- 今更!?ちょっと遅くない。だったら最初っから行かなかったのに。時間の無駄じゃん。ugh. seriously... so now, i'm looking for apartments like crazy. already e-mailed a couple people. hopefully, they respond... ホント疲れる。
Currently listening to: Misery - Maroon5
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