最近やっぱ料理するのが多い。i mean, its cheaper than eating out so... yea. plus, its starting to be kinda fun. when its just for me and the bf. hehe. it's a lot easier to manage things bc he helps out a lot :)
昨日の夜は串かつを作って見ましたぁ!美味しかったです。we had to run to nijiya to
grab some ingredients like panko and onions. and when we got there, it was like food truck heaven. seriously, there were like 8~9 different food trucks there. haha. すごかったぁ。いろんなのがあった。there were like two korean/mexican type ones. one was indian, another was turkic, another was persian. haha. there was even a sushi one. lol. 何か、いろんな面白そうなお寿司があった。ロールだけど。あと、たこ焼きも。食べたかったけど、帰って食べる予定だったから、やめた。とても残念です。

on the way home, we spotted a video store so we decided to check it out. they had lots of videos and dvds. since we were starting to run low on things to watch, we decided to rent. 結局「クレヨンしんちゃん」と「名探偵コナン」。アニメです。好きです。子供の頃の楽しい時を思い出しますねぇ。えへへ。it was fun. ものすごく懐かしかった。またこういうことしたいなぁ~。

Currently listening to: パピパピ - ベッキー♪♯
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