OC Fair
yesterday, the bf and i went to the oc fair. first time! haha. でも、予想通りめちゃ高!everything is wayyy over priced there. the food, the goods, everything. だから、残念ながら、あまり遊べませんでした。色々見て回っただけ。although i did get to eat a crepe. it was filled with strawberries, bananas, and nutella, topped with whip cream and peanuts and chocolate sauce. おいしかったですね。ちょっと甘すぎたけど。高かったし。but the bf paid for practically everything so i feel kinda bad. ありがと。
we did have fun seeing the very many animals tho. especially the kangaroo! 超かわいかった!oh, and the angora sheep. 毛がめっちゃやわらかかった。えへへ。高い訳だね。oh, and at one point, i had a goat eat my shirt... -_- gross and disgusting. lol. out of no where, it came up from behind me and started nibbling my shirt. 唾液と食べ残しを少しつけて去って行きました。汚いな。もう!
お昼ごはんは入場前に近所で食べた。we went to this small mexican place called cancun grill. we got a breakfast burrito and split it. big and good. haha. they were out of potatoes so we got some free guacamole. hehe. メキシコ料理大好きだから、また行きたいな。遠いけど。
we finished at the fair around 3-ish so we decided to go to the nearby piers to look for something interesting. first, we went to newport but damn, that place was crowded. 5分くらい駐車スペースを探し回って、あきらめた。so we decided to go to huntington beach. it was fun watching the surfers and fishers. plus, wasn't as crowded as newport so that was a plus too. 何か、サメ釣ってた人がいたね。小型のサメだったけど、ちょっとかわいそうだった。poor thing, getting killed for nothing. those bastards. but overall, it was really nice. not too hot, not too cold. 楽しい一日でした:)
Currently listening to: ありがとう - いきものがかり
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