last night, the bf took me out on a little date. :) first, we went to kinokuniya to buy some manga. 先週末行けなかったから、やっと行けました。で、その後、食事に。like i've said before, i like izakayas and i've been wanting to go for a while so we decided to go to fuga. the bf and i ended up discussing how this was the first time we've eaten in an underground restaurant in America. 日本は結構あるけど、こっちは風雅があるところぐらいだからね。

we ordered A LOT! 何か、居酒屋って量が少ないイメージがあるから、ホントに結構いっぱい注文しちゃった。but dude, their portions were pretty generous. we got the aonori garlic fries (meh...) and their onion rings (decently good. the rings were ginormous tho. haha). we also got their dynamite (deelisious) and karaage (so, so. have had better) and their grilled shrimp salad (pretty good). to top it off, we got two rolls, the bsc (california roll topped with baked scallops) and the crunchy roll. ロールは両方とも美味しかった。でも、やっぱり量がッパナイね。(ハリセンボンはるか風)we ended up taking lots home. but it wasn't too expensive either. i think the bill came out to a bit over $55. and then tip. not bad, right? i would probably definitely go back :) don't think my bf would be so excited tho...

Currently listening to: Alejandro - Lady Gaga
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