Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dim Sum Food Truck & Cake House

the bf came over tonight to have a early mini celebration of my birthday. 本当は明日なんだけど、明日は忙しいから、ちょっと早めのお祝い。ま、「お祝い」なんていえる年じゃなくなってきたけどね。ugh... i'm starting to hate getting old. only savior is the thought of eventually moving out and living independently from my mom in the future. ま、まだ結構先の話っぽいけどね。
so, birthdays = cake, right? so the bf offered to buy me some. especially since i like cake :) で、試そうってことになったのが Cake House. the west la one. i read on yelp that it was a korean bakery and it got decent reviews so i was interested. we ended up getting a tiramisu and a yohan cake. ティラミスは結構おいしかった。ちょっぴり甘くて、しつこくない。でも、もう一個がどうも、、、甘すぎるし、口の中でまとわり付く感じ。definitely won't be getting that one again...
and then, on sawtelle, there were a bunch of food trucks again so we decided to check it out. だって、おいしそうじゃん?(笑) the nom nom truck was there, which i wanted to try but man, line was so long so i gave up. and then i saw the dim sum truck. キタァァァァ!待ち遠しかったです。長いこと食べたかったのです。so we headed over. i wanted to try so many. haha. but in the end, we just got bbq pork buns, shumai, and sticky rice. everything was good! only negative was that the sticky rice was a bit too soft. もうちょっと水分を減らしてしっかりさせないと、べちゃべちゃ過ぎ。but overall, it was good. haha. 楽しかった~。

Currently listening to: Break your Heart feat. Ludacris - Taio Cruz

Pizza & Pool

bored as heck last night so we decided to play pool in the club house that my new apartment has. で、お腹もすいたから、ピザを買うことに。i think they make a good match, right?? haha. ついでにビール・おやつなども買って、結構お金使っちゃったね。especially because we ended up buying the pool balls too, since we wouldn't have made it in time to rent out the balls at the managers office.

we bought the pizza at this one place that advertised new york style pizza. we got a large with pepperoni, sausge, green peppers, and onions. 結構おいしかった。everything seemed pretty fresh, which is always a plus. 一応パスタも注文したけど、こちらはまぁまぁ。ピザの方が絶対おいしい。

while waiting for the pizza to be ready, we went to bevmo's to get drinks. the guys seemed to be having a blast. it took them nearly 20 minutes to decide what to get. 女かよ!バシッと決めろよ!ちんたらちんたら悩んでないでさ!i think they ended up getting a pack of beer, chips, i got proscuitto, some cokes, and one of those small bottles of hard liquor. 結構高くついたみたい。バカみたいに買うから...

we ate and played a couple rounds of pool. finished around 10 and the bf and i were pretty tired so we called it a night. but it was fun. talking, eating, and playing pool. we should do it more often.

Currently listening to: We are the World - USA for Africa

Monday, August 30, 2010

Jin Jiang

after finishing up with the moving last night, we were starved. so, we decided to grab some chinese food at this place called jin jiang that i found on yelp. so useful. 最近和食ばかりを好んで食べてたから、新鮮。the place had mixed reviews but it was getting late and there weren't many options so we decided to go with it.
it was only about a 6~7 minute drive from my apartment so the place was relatively close. 入ったときからお客が少ないから怪しいかな?って思ったけど、一応結構続いてるから、そのまま座ってみることに。checking out then menu, they didn't really have much variety. ありきたりな中華って感じ。ま、変なのより、オーソドックスの方がいいけどね。we ended up getting a soup, steamed chicken with ginger sauce, two flavored shrimp, and pan fried noodles. なんか、結構どれも、パッとしない。味が濃いかったですね。i mean, it was decent. not bad, not good. eh. ま、でも、あんまり期待していなかったからいいけど。if anything, i might consider their delivery, since i don't think i want to be cooking too much anymore. haha.

Currently listening to: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

Friday, August 27, 2010


my entire day today was spent on moving. me, to my new apartment, and my roomie back home. *sigh* つ~か~れ~た~。結構少ないと思っても、いろいろと出てきて、最終的には荷物がわんさか。もう、大変。especially crazy was my manga collection. i have A LOT. but put that in a box and it weighs a ton. no kidding. めっちゃ重かった。それを女二人で運んだんだよね~。of course, we did have a dolly. but still, heavy as heck.

so, i got the keys to the new apartment and practically everything i need is there. ま、仕上げは日曜日になるけどね。but its exciting to know that i'm mostly done, especially since i still have school/work and my schedule is pretty busy. さて、新しいアパートの住み心地はどうでしょう。。。

Currently listening to: I Want it That Way - Backstreet Boys

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Zen Buffet & Genki Living

tonight, the bf and i decided to try out Zen Buffet. i've been interested for a while but had yet to try. the bf tried it recently at lunch and said it was pretty good and the price wasn't too high so we decided to go for it. 8時くらいに入ったのかな?でも、結構ないものが多かった。as in, there were a bunch of empty plates. -__- お金払ってるのに、ダメじゃん。anyways, we tried a couple different things. everything was decent. there was nothing that was crazy good. at least for me. ま、まぁまぁですな。どっちかって言うといまいち。もうちょっと補充をちゃんとしないとね。

Genki Living is essentially a crepe place but they also have other japanese snackies. 店内が結構面白い飾りつけで、印象的。i've heard about this place before and i wanted to try it so we went for dessert. hehe. だから太るんだな。ガーーン...ま、それは置いておいて、結構おいしかったです。i got their peach, strawberry, and banana nutella crepe. they asked if i wanted it crispy or soft. since crispy was their original, i went with that. bad choice. soft is probably wayyyy better. 今度からはソフトだね。でも、おいしかった。
we got the crepe to go and i ate it at the bfs house. so i could see the dog they just got :) もう、めちゃめちゃかわいいの!!i think he said it was a chiweenie (i think that's how you spell it. the mix between a chihuahua and a dachshund). ホントかわいいの。ちっちゃいしね。i guess it was teething, but it kept biting my fingers. haha. ちょっぴり痛かったです。でも、かわいすぎるから許す。(笑)あぁ~。私も犬欲しいなぁ。
Currently listening to: One in a Million - 山下智久

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


昨日はウチのバカ猫が逃亡し、大騒ぎに。i actually had to go home looking for the bastard... ホント人騒がせな猫ですね。in the end, i think it took nearly three hours until we could catch him. he ended up going under the house next door. once in, he would not come near the entrance. we had to string him along with milk. and even that took a while.

捕まえた後は捕まえた後でこれまた大変。i needed to shower him since he was so dirty and of course, he did not find it amusing. this ended with me getting a couple of scratches and him getting hit in the head a couple of times. それでもおとなしくしないんだよね。おとなしい方がすぐ終わるのに...by the time we left the house, it was past 10:30. ugh... so tiring...

on the plus side, L'Arc~en~Ciel is BACK!!!!! マジでうれしいです。年末にライブやるらしい。もちろん、日本で。i would totally love to go.. たしか、幕張メッセだって。too bad i probably can't. oh how i wish to live in japan. haha. seriously, tho, one day, i hope to see them live. ラルク最高! :)

Currently listening to: Devil Side - VAMPS

Monday, August 23, 2010


today was one of the most stressful days of my life.. first, was my midterm. all i wanted was a c. which i got. あんまり勉強できなかったから当然だし?there was one question i had no clue about so i totally bs-ed it. so i was fine. but the TA wasn't... なんと、B以下は居残りで一対一で何が悪かったか相談だって。ugh... i really don't like this TA... anyways, so when i talked to her, it was just about that one question that i didn't get and she said that that's pretty much my only problem. that, and my lack of details. too broad... ま、次回のファイナルはがんばらねば。

then, i find out that the bf, who was supposed to pick some mattresses for us, had forgotten the reciept with me. (i told him to hold on to it but he insisted that i do...) で、アパートに戻ることに。結局仕事は出来ずに。on the way home, my mom calls me, pissed off about the fact that her bluetooth headset wouldn't work. 知らんし。何も出来ひんし。どないせぇゆうねん。UGH. so i tell her to go to a bestbuy to have it looked at. the entire time, she's ranting on and on about how its probably my fault. and then she goes on blaming me for the fact that i have the reciept for the mattresses. IT'S NOT MY FAULT! もうホントいや。めっちゃ泣いちゃったし。i haven't cried that hard in a while... i guess it wasn't just today. i mean, i've been kinda stressed a lot these past few weeks. 家のことがほとんどだけど。life is so stressful...

Currently listening to: 向かい合わせ - aiko

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun Times

today was a fun day! :) got to hang out with the bestie for a bit. ウチは母親がうるさいからあんまり遊べないけど、母親が仕事だったからなにも言わずに遊びに行った。:P dude, i'm already 21, i really think i shouldn't be restricted that much... =_=

so we went out to Tasty Garden to grab some lunch. first time there but it was pretty darn good. hehe. 人が多かったけどね。後、ウェーターさんのやる気の無さが半端なかったしね。(笑)i understand that you're tired and all, but come on, be a bit more enthusiastic!

we talked about a bunch of different stuff. did you know that if you go to planned parenthood, they'll give you a years' worth of birth control pills for free?? すごいね~。タダだぜ。school, family, relationships, work, etc. etc. it was nice. although the restaurant was a bit loud... ま、でも中華って大体そうだからね。

afterwards, we went to the mall. ended up not buying anything cuz everything is so expensive. >.<

Currently listening to: まごころ - 超新星

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


last night, the bf took me out on a little date. :) first, we went to kinokuniya to buy some manga. 先週末行けなかったから、やっと行けました。で、その後、食事に。like i've said before, i like izakayas and i've been wanting to go for a while so we decided to go to fuga. the bf and i ended up discussing how this was the first time we've eaten in an underground restaurant in America. 日本は結構あるけど、こっちは風雅があるところぐらいだからね。
we ordered A LOT! 何か、居酒屋って量が少ないイメージがあるから、ホントに結構いっぱい注文しちゃった。but dude, their portions were pretty generous. we got the aonori garlic fries (meh...) and their onion rings (decently good. the rings were ginormous tho. haha). we also got their dynamite (deelisious) and karaage (so, so. have had better) and their grilled shrimp salad (pretty good). to top it off, we got two rolls, the bsc (california roll topped with baked scallops) and the crunchy roll. ロールは両方とも美味しかった。でも、やっぱり量がッパナイね。(ハリセンボンはるか風)we ended up taking lots home. but it wasn't too expensive either. i think the bill came out to a bit over $55. and then tip. not bad, right? i would probably definitely go back :) don't think my bf would be so excited tho...
Currently listening to: Alejandro - Lady Gaga

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Apartment Hunting

is a real b***h... (excuse the language) やっといいの見つけたかな?って思ったら、結局だめ。ugh. why is this happening. i need to move out in 2 weeks. i still have no clue where i can go.... grrrrrrrr. だからアパート探しって嫌い。

so, i was supposed to get a room in a house that my dad's friends' son lives in. i went to check it out last night and it was decent. only thing is that its really far from school. バスを乗り継いで1時間の通学。結構キツイっしょ?で、迷ってたけど、結構本決まりだったんだよね。but the guy still needed to ask the landlord about deposits and stuff so we left for the night.

later that night, i get a text back telling me the roommate doesn't want another person in the house... -_- 今更!?ちょっと遅くない。だったら最初っから行かなかったのに。時間の無駄じゃん。ugh. seriously... so now, i'm looking for apartments like crazy. already e-mailed a couple people. hopefully, they respond... ホント疲れる。

Currently listening to: Misery - Maroon5

Monday, August 16, 2010


this weeked was supposed to be kinda fun, despite the fact that i had a midterm today that i needed to study for. i was supposed to go to the OC fair on saturday but of course, my mom had something planned without telling me. ま、念のために木曜日に行ったからいいけどさ。and on sunday, i was supposed to go to the nissei week parade. 結局寸前になって、ダメになったけどね。行くって言い始めたら、何だかんだと用事を言いつけられた。マジでウザい。grrrrr....
but the bf made everything okay in the end. :) he took me out to honda-ya in little tokyo. 本当は「風雅」っていう新しい居酒屋に行く予定だったんだけど、なんと、閉まってました。。。so we decided to go to honda-ya instead. dude, we had to drive around so much to try to get around the blocked streets, even tho it was close to 9 and the parade ended a long time ago... 滅茶苦茶大変。eventually, we got around to where we needed to go. man, honda-ya was packed! すごいうるさいし。ま、でも、思うが侭に食べれたし、ま、いいっか。we ordered so much food. haha. 二人でよくあれだけ食べれたね。だから太るんだね。ダイエットしないと。。。

Currently listening to: Love the Way You Lie - Eminem feat. Rihanna

Friday, August 13, 2010

OC Fair

yesterday, the bf and i went to the oc fair. first time! haha. でも、予想通りめちゃ高!everything is wayyy over priced there. the food, the goods, everything. だから、残念ながら、あまり遊べませんでした。色々見て回っただけ。although i did get to eat a crepe. it was filled with strawberries, bananas, and nutella, topped with whip cream and peanuts and chocolate sauce. おいしかったですね。ちょっと甘すぎたけど。高かったし。but the bf paid for practically everything so i feel kinda bad. ありがと。

we did have fun seeing the very many animals tho. especially the kangaroo! 超かわいかった!oh, and the angora sheep. 毛がめっちゃやわらかかった。えへへ。高い訳だね。oh, and at one point, i had a goat eat my shirt... -_
- gross and disgusting. lol. out of no where, it came up from behind me and started nibbling my shirt. 唾液と食べ残しを少しつけて去って行きました。汚いな。もう!

お昼ごはんは入場前に近所で食べた。we went to this small mexican place called cancun grill. we got a breakfast burrito and split it. big and good. haha. they were out of potatoes so we got some free guacamole.
hehe. メキシコ料理大好きだから、また行きたいな。遠いけど。
we finished at the fair around 3-ish so we decided to go to the nearby piers to look for something interesting. first, we went to newport but damn, that place was crowded. 5分くらい駐車スペースを探し回って、あきらめた。so we decided to go to huntington beach. it was fun watching the surfers and fishers. plus, wasn't as crowded as newport so that was a plus too. 何か、サメ釣ってた人がいたね。小型のサメだったけど、ちょっとかわいそうだった。poor thing, getting killed for nothing. those bastards. but overall, it was really nice. not too hot, not too cold. 楽しい一日でした:)

Currently listening to: ありがとう - いきものがかり

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


just got a phone call from a friend of mine who is a writer for a website. he wants me to write blog posts for the music section of the site. さて、どうしましょ?別に毎日更新しなくていいって。2、3日に一度。which is good for me, since i am such a lazy bum. 音楽を聴くのは好きだし、いいかも?あんまり難しく考えなくてよさそうだし。the site isn't a major site or anything so there aren't that many people looking. i think.

problem is, i like writing, but i don't think it's worthy of anything, you know? i mean, even with this blog, it's eh. 結構テキトー?あはは。ま、でも、翻訳的な面でも鍛えられるからやってみる価値はあるかもね。it does sound interesting. 考えて見ます。

which reminds me. 宇多田ヒカルが今年いっぱいで歌手活動休止だって。引退ではないみたいだけど、無期限。あ!後、桑田佳祐が癌の手術受けたんだって。皆さんいろいろ大変ね。i hope they both make a comeback soon. they make really good songs. :)
Currently listening to: Be My Last - 宇多田ヒカル


最近やっぱ料理するのが多い。i mean, its cheaper than eating out so... yea. plus, its starting to be kinda fun. when its just for me and the bf. hehe. it's a lot easier to manage things bc he helps out a lot :)

昨日の夜は串かつを作って見ましたぁ!美味しかったです。we had to run to nijiya to
grab some ingredients like panko and onions. and when we got there, it was like food truck heaven. seriously, there were like 8~9 different food trucks there. haha. すごかったぁ。いろんなのがあった。there were like two korean/mexican type ones. one was indian, another was turkic, another was persian. haha. there was even a sushi one. lol. 何か、いろんな面白そうなお寿司があった。ロールだけど。あと、たこ焼きも。食べたかったけど、帰って食べる予定だったから、やめた。とても残念です。
on the way home, we spotted a video store so we decided to check it out. they had lots of videos and dvds. since we were starting to run low on things to watch, we decided to rent. 結局「クレヨンしんちゃん」と「名探偵コナン」。アニメです。好きです。子供の頃の楽しい時を思い出しますねぇ。えへへ。it was fun. ものすごく懐かしかった。またこういうことしたいなぁ~。
Currently listening to: パピパピ - ベッキー♪♯

Monday, August 9, 2010

Café Roulé

last night, i went out with a friend to Café Roulé to grab some tea and do some late night talking. they had a variety of teas, which i love. wasn't too sure what to get but i ended up trying their pomegranate black tea, which my friend recommended.
で、二人でお茶を飲みながらおしゃべり。i think the last time i saw her was back during spring break, so we had lots to catch up on. haha. いろんな話した。彼氏のこと、ベガスのこと、セックスのこと、将来のこと、近況、等など。久しぶりにめっちゃしゃべった。we got there a bit past 8 and by the time we left, it was 10. もうちょっとしゃべりたかったけど、彼はつまんなそうだし、今日は学校だから引き上げることに。but yea, it was lots of fun. definitely need to do that more often. too bad we're both pretty busy. her with her work and far away bf and me with my schoolwork, work, and mom stuff. ugh, i wish i had more time to just have fun.

Currently listening to: 虹 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Sunday, August 8, 2010

One Piece

went to kinokuniya this today and found the latest one piece out. まだ、前巻を終わらせていないにも関わらず、買っちゃいました。そしたら、なんと、特別にコースターが付いてきた。isn't that awesome? not too sure why, but whatever, its a collectible. :)
個人的に、大好きなキャラはエース・チョッパー・ゾロな訳です。so, obviously, i was hoping for one of those. or a group pic like one. で、ドキドキしながらいざ開けてみたら、、、


ものすごく残念でした。i mean, its not that i don't like frankie. he's a good and funny guy. but... so totally would take ace, chopper, or zoro over him. ugh... so sad.

Currently listening to: We Are! - 東方神起

Friday, August 6, 2010


本日の夜ご飯は「近江ささや」でうどんすき。豪華です!we got the puchi-udon suki, so we got individual burners and pots. hehe. it was soooooo good. but expensive! $18/person! :O でも、また食べたいです。

Currently listening to: ラッキープール - Judy and Mary

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grown Ups & Food Trucks

last night, the bf and i decided to watch Grown Ups, the Adam Sandler movie. 事前にネットで調べたら、あんまりいい評価ではなかったけど、時間的に合ったし、二人してみたかったから、見に行くことに。dang, the tickets are so pricey now... -_- two of us for $25. grrrr... we got a small popcorn and drink, which is like an additional $10. so we spent like $35 just to watch a movie. 高すぎません?
anyways, Grown Ups was actually pretty good. あんまり評価良くなかったからそんなに期待してなかった分、良かったのかも。the jokes were funny and while the acting was a bit cheesy at times, it was good. kinda reminds you of the good ol' times. 将来、ああいう家族像がいいな~。いつまでも子供みたいにふざけられるのはいいよね。oh, and its nice to be able to make mean comments about one another as jokes. just cuz that's how i roll. :)

で、その後は遅い晩御飯に。あんまりお腹すいてなかったから軽く食べれるものを求め、よくフード・トラックが出没するアリアに。sure enough, there was one. and it was a ramen one that i'd never even seen before. haha. it was called Happy Cup Noodle. 名前の通りカップ麺かと思いきや、本格のラーメン屋台でした。びっくり。they had quite the variety in their menu. hehe. so i got the shio ramen with ajitama and the bf got miso ramen with extra moyashi. うん。結構イケる。ちょっと時間掛かるけど、ま、本格的に作ってるから仕方無いけどね。i wanna try their fried rice next time. haha.
and then, the bf points accross the street and BAM! kogi!!! 大好きです。ラーメンでそこそこお腹一杯になりながらも、Kogiを逃がすことができず、列に並ぶことに。it wasn't that long so the wait wasn't too bad. ended up getting 2 short rib tacos for my bf and i. やっぱり美味しかった~。しかも、今回はライムがあったから、ラッキー。adding that little bit of lime makes it deeelishious. でも、口の中にできものがある私には結構残酷な結果に...美味しいけど痛い。悲しいですっ!(ザブングル加藤風)でも、満足でした。また太りそうだけど、、、
Currently listening to: Billionaire - Travie McCoy feat. Bruno Mars

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kyochon Chicken, Drinks, and Talking

last night, the bf and i went over to a friends' house to eat some chicken, have some drinks, and just talk. we grabbed some kyochon chicken in k-town and man, did it take forever. 注文してから30分以上待たされた。長すぎだよね。initially, they told me 15~20 minutes. i thought that was long. and when we came back in 20 mins, they still weren't ready. seriously!? how long does it take to baste 20 wings?? いい加減腹立って文句言っちゃった。マネージャーらしき人に。「いつまで待たせるんだぁ」的な?(笑)ただ平謝り。i know its not his fault. but since he's in charge, i complained to him. although he sounded like he didn't understand most of what i was talking about. lol. 最終的にはタダで大根のピクルスをもらちゃった。しかも、帰りはドアまで開けてくれて。あはは。すんませんねぇ。
and we got some wine coolers at cvs. i like wine coolers so we stuck with that. hehe. we got the strawberry daiquiris from b&j. おいしかった。やっぱ、ビールとかより、そういうなんがイイね。で、飲みながらおしゃべり。the friend told me that apparently, one of his friends that i met at the anime expo interview thing found me desireable (?). lol. apparently, he was a bit upset when he found out i had a bf. ま、うれしいっちゃうれしいけど、、、別にかっこよくなかったしね。and then we got into a discussion about why girls aren't too happy when they find out the guy that likes them isn't too hot. だってね。his standards are low to begin with. i mean, the guy has lived a decent amount of time to figure out what he can and what he can't get. だから、そういう人にカワイイとか言われてもなぁ。自分はまずまずなんだなぁって思うだけだもん。分かる?

anyways, the guys spent the rest of the night just talking about work and websites and whatnot. つまんな~い。あはは。結局帰ったのが0時ぐらい。彼ん家にお泊り。ま、で結局ヤッちゃう訳ですが、、、えへへ。so i guess the 悩み is resolved? but if i weren't so tired, i honestly wanted a bit more. o well, i guess you can't have everything in life, right?
Currently listening to: HONEY - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


最近ちょっと悩みがあります。i think this post should be designated as rated r. or nc-17 at the very least. haha.
で、悩みはと言いますと、「最近エッチができない」。何か、最近は彼も仕事で忙しく、私も家のことや、学校・仕事で忙しくて中々タイミングが合わない。he used to sleepover quite often but that's not happening and its probably not gonna happen. で、泊まっても、二人とも結構疲れてるから無理だったり。したいとは思っても、疲れてたらちょっと無理がある。

一人エッチって結構限界があるしね。i'm not too sure what the stats are, but you know how there are some girls that watch porn out there?? well, i happen to be one of them. it's not like i'm proud or anything, but it works. lol. ま、結構スケベだったりするのかな?あぁ~。早くエッチしたいなぁ。

Currently listening to: As Ever - Jang Geun Suk

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sucking at Parking

yuppp. i suck at parking... :( i try, but i always end up a bit slanted. 別にヒドくはないですよ?大体はちゃんと自分のスペースに納まってるし。でも、ナナメ。なぜ?

i swear i'm not this bad. i think...

i really can't figure it out. i was out driving a lot this weekend. and obviously, that entails parking. and practically everytime i park, i'm crooked. ugh. 自分では真っ直ぐなんですけどね。何か、コツとかあります?ま、自分の車が特に小回りが利かないのはあるけど、、、i want to get better at parking...

Currently listening to: FAKE - AI feat. 安室奈美恵