the bf came over tonight to have a early mini celebration of my birthday. 本当は明日なんだけど、明日は忙しいから、ちょっと早めのお祝い。ま、「お祝い」なんていえる年じゃなくなってきたけどね。ugh... i'm starting to hate getting old. only savior is the thought of eventually moving out and living independently from my mom in the future. ま、まだ結構先の話っぽいけどね。

so, birthdays = cake, right? so the bf offered to buy me some. especially since i like cake :) で、試そうってことになったのが Cake House. the west la one. i read on yelp that it was a korean bakery and it got decent reviews so i was interested. we ended up getting a tiramisu and a yohan cake. ティラミスは結構おいしかった。ちょっぴり甘くて、しつこくない。でも、もう一個がどうも、、、甘すぎるし、口の中でまとわり付く感じ。definitely won't be getting that one again...

and then, on sawtelle, there were a bunch of food trucks again so we decided to check it out. だって、おいしそうじゃん?(笑) the nom nom truck was there, which i wanted to try but man, line was so long so i gave up. and then i saw the dim sum truck. キタァァァァ!待ち遠しかったです。長いこと食べたかったのです。so we headed over. i wanted to try so many. haha. but in the end, we just got bbq pork buns, shumai, and sticky rice. everything was good! only negative was that the sticky rice was a bit too soft. もうちょっと水分を減らしてしっかりさせないと、べちゃべちゃ過ぎ。but overall, it was good. haha. 楽しかった~。
Currently listening to: Break your Heart feat. Ludacris - Taio Cruz