the bf finished work early last night and came to hang with me. he arrived at my place at a little past 8:30. we decided to go karaoke and so we went back to little tokyo to Max Karaoke. (the one inside the Mitsuwa building) we did karaoke for like an hour. totally fun! we did a couple of anime songs which was really a blast. lol. we're so japanese. haha. 名探偵コナンの曲を何曲かと後、クレヨンしんちゃんも歌ったね~。私はいろんなメドレーに挑戦してあえなく撃沈されちゃいました。(笑) too bad i'm not too good at singing... :(

after that, we decide to go watch a late movie so we head over to the grove. after getting lost a couple times and making a HUGE 遠回り, we finally get there around a little past 11. we were thinking about watching sex drive but we decided that it would be wayyyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooooooo crowded so we decided to watch max payne instead.

the bf told me it was based on game and i went in totally not knowing what the movie was going to be about. 結論的に言うと、まぁまぁだったかな?the action was really good and so was the cg. but at some points, it was just really unrealistic. in addition to that, it was really sloooooowwww. haha もうちょっとストーリーが早く進んだらよかったかな?見始めて30分くらい経ったころにコレ preview で見たことある事に気づいた。(笑)i remembered watching the preview and thinking that it seemed like a really action packed movie but i had no clue as to what it was about. couldn't figure out the plot from the preview.
so, by the time i got home, it was a bit past 2 a.m. but i think it was definitely worth it. especially since i don't have any school today! :) awesomeness. haha but still, hw awaits so i must now go do that. -_-
currently listening to: 時間よ止まれ feat. SEAMO - AZU
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