currently, i am at work. i have approximately 50 mins or so until i have to get my butt up to go to class. but in the meantime, I DO NOT WANT TO WORK! i think there's only like one more student besides me and he's in the other section so i'm pretty much alone here. a lot of the workers went home. 後、今 midterm中だからこない生徒さんが多いね。そんな私ってマジメ?not really. i just don't want to go all the way back to the apartment only to have to come back againg for my 4 p.m. class. 勉強したくないしね。
so, i've been starting to think about the future... it looks real glum... with this recession and stuff, i don't think it'll be easy to get a decent job. i know a couple seniors and a lot of them don't know what to do. やっぱ grad school かな?でも、競争率高いしな~。マジ、凹む。my gpa isn't the best. maybe that's why my mom's bothering me to get a 資格。but even that's not going to guarantee me anything. 将来のことは考えるだけで頭痛くなる...

isn't this cute? cat vs. domo-kun. work vs. intern. similar enough, right?
on to the topic. work vs. intern. i need experience to get a good job. but my work isn't something i want to do for the rest of my life. it's good pay ($9.80!!) but seriously, who wants to be a librarian for the rest of their life?? (no offense to my supervisors and all those librarians out there. how could we find books without your help?) so, i have come to the conclusion that i need an internship. でも、それも結構難しいって聞くしね。時間は食うは、給料は出たらいいはでいいことは経験だけ。どうしましょ。
another problem. i'm still not sure what i want to do. it's kinda pointless to get an internship in something that i have no interest in pursuing. kinda defeats the purpose of an internship. -_- 問題は山積み。解決策はなし。大学生は大変です。
the only things that are keeping me sane right now are my friends, and of course, my awesome bf. でも、やっぱ疲れる~。いっそのことホームレスにでもなるか?冗談。です。たぶん。
currently listening to: crush crush crush - Paramore
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