was awesome. really. i liked it lots. :) very intense and fast paced. didn't fall asleep like tropic thunder. lol. めっちゃよかったと思う。the bf thought it was a really geeky movie but i didn't think it was too geeky. personally, i think the bfs 解説 helped mucho.
when i first saw the movie, i wasn't really sure as to how it would end. it looked interesting but seemed like it might have a sucky ending like a lot of other movies. it was good and bad. 結構エンディングは良かったけど...最後の最後で i think shia's character shoulda died. lol. sorry to the fans. but i think it would have left more of an impact on the movie-watchers. but either way, it was pretty good! :)
i think everyone should watch it!
currently listening to: 足跡 - BAReeeeeeeeeeN
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