so, turns out i have to take my sister to get tested for stds. ew. seriously. that is pretty nasty.

正直なぜ私がそのようなことをしなければならないかわからない。まさしく、そんなの関係ねぇって感じ。(小島よしおってもう終わってるよね?)but yes. i have to. within the next month. めんどくせぇ。
on top of that, my dad has the guts to ask me, 'お前は大丈夫か?'. i was just like 勘弁してよ。何が悲しくて父親とこんな話をせねばならないの。サイアク。whatever. i just hope this is nothing i ever have to deal with. EVER.
people, there are condoms out there for a reason. if you go to like planned parenthood, they give them to you for free. (i think...) USE THEM. it's not difficult. they may not be 100%, but they are effective most of the time. 頭使え。一生の問題だぞ。甘く見てんじゃねぇよ。
currently listening to: forever - Chris Brown
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