first stop, the Sony Pictures Studios, located in Culver City. we went there for the tour and it was pretty interesting. too bad we weren't able to see any stars... 一人くらい有名人見れるかな~って期待してたけど...残念!(古いね。笑) and there was a lot of walking. but we were able to see a couple sets so that was nice. we saw the set for the upcoming movies "Bone Deep" starring Rihanna and Chris Brown, "Angels & Demons" starring Tom Hanks, and "Funny People" starring Adam Sandler. 結構汚かった...(笑)何か、ゴミとかいっぱい落ちてたのが印象的だったね。and we also saw the set of "Wheel of Fortune". でも、いっぱい歩いたから結構疲れた。
next, we went to the famous Hustlers in Hollywood. i thought you would get carded to get in but apparently not. only to enter this one section. and of course, the bf wanted to go so we did get carded. コスプレ買っちゃった!キャハッ。制服のヤツ。あはは。ベタ!?かもね。it was an interesting experience. they have A LOT of stuff there. i would definitely recommend that you try going there at least once. after you turn 18 tho, okay?
Finally, we ended the night by watching "Sex Drive". pretty hysterical. pretty fast-paced and funny. very good combination. the bf was sleepy but once the movie started, he was wide awake. もう、笑いまくり。ホント面白かった。楽しかった。but yea, you seriously understand why its rated r. pretty graphic.

all in all, last night was a blast. i was so tired this morning tho. haha. and i had an 8 a.m. class. horrible. lol. but it was wayyyyyyyyyy worth it. :)
currently listening to: 手紙~拝啓15の君へ - アンジェラ・アキ
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