今日は大変。でも、昨日から結構忙しかったかな...(笑)体はボロボロだし。it all started saturday night. i was cutting peaches for my mom and i ended up cutting my thumb. right where it folds too, so it took a while to heal. -_- 分かる?親指を曲げた一番したの折曲がり線。then, on sunday morning, the bf に膝蹴りを食らった。おでこに。簡単に説明するとベッドに登ろうとしてたアイツが寝転がっていた私の頭にぶつかった。マジ痛かった~。涙でた~(;_;) lol. and then, yesterday, i cut my thumb again. obviously the same one. キャベツの芯を切って取ってたときのできごと。そんで、昨日行ったカラオケ屋さんで左足の薬指(あってる?足の指でもそう?分からん...)をベンチにぶつけた。i seriously stubbed it pretty hard. now, 腫れて, its a bit bruised. lol.
so yes. yesterday was full of injuries. but it was fun. we (the bf and i) went karaoke, watched most of クロサギの映画、rode the bike :) and i had some drinks. lol. 酔っ払っちゃった~。it was vodka with apple juice. quite tasty. haha. 爆睡しちゃって、彼に恥ずかしい酔っ払いの寝姿を取られちった。誰にも見せられない...マジ、口半開きで大の字で寝てるの。very embarrassing. at least it didn't make the internet, right?
today was a busy day. i was lacking sleep because i came home late last night and ended up sleeping at a little past 1 a.m. but had to wake up in time for my 8 a.m. class. and then, tomorrow, they are spraying our room for bugs so we had to move A LOT of stuff. めっちゃ模様替えした~。大変だった~。everything had to be 2~3 feet away from the wall. でも、そこそこ楽しめたからいいかな?でも、皆勉強で大変だからイライラしてた人の方が多かった。(笑)楽しんでたのは自分だけかな?whatever. so tired. MIDTERMS SUCK!!!
currently listening to: あふれる - My Little Lover