last night, i went out to eat with my roommates from college. we all went to the same middle school and high school so we've known each other for a relatively long time. で、皆で久し振りに集まってご飯することになったの。
内、一人は1年先輩で、その人から聞いた話。someone from our high school and in his year had died the day before. apparently, the other people knew him too but i didn't. あんまり先輩達と仲良くなかったからね。apperently, the guy that died was in a car whose driver was under the influence. drunk driving. and he wasn't wearing a seat belt. 馬鹿だよねぇって話をしてたの。何でベルトつけないかなぁ?当たり前なことなのにね。it's really sad. he could have survived had he put on his seat belt. で、運転手もうちの高校の先輩らしい。助かったけどの。but he's in jail. he'll probably get something for manslaughter. and dui. 自業自得だね。でも、身近でこういうこと聞くとツラいね。

Currently listening to: 桜坂 - 福山雅治
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