今日は日本語学校の友達とランチしてきました。it took us a while to decide where to eat but we finally decided on a place called Aoyama Cafe. なんか、UCCコーヒーのお店らしいです。
お店についてメニューを見たら、先ず気になったのが、英語と中国語しかなかったこと。i mean, it is supposed to be a japanese cafe but there was not japanese whatsoever. weird... でも、種類は豊富でしたね。いまいちピンとくるやつは無かったけど...i ended up getting their spicy creme pasta with prawns. ん~ん。微妙。辛くないし、クリームも美味しくなかった。残念な結果でしたね。it looked really promising too. but i guess because there are so many chinese people in the area, it's geared more towards that kind of crowd. *sigh*
ま、でもコーヒーは美味しかったみたい。さすがUCC. i got their iced tea since i don't like coffee and it was pretty good. nothing fancy about it tho. ま、もう行くことは無いでしょう。
Currently listening to: 噛むとフニャン feat. ASTRO - 佐々木希
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