today was quite busy. でも、充実してたね。今日は朝からお父さんと姉とで飲茶食べに行った。a place called Sea Harbor Seafood on Rosemead. it's a pretty big place and it's always been packed so i've always been interested but since it's so busy, i've never had the chance to try it out. だから、朝の10時に開くのを知って、それぐらいに行こうという話しになりました。
ついたのは10時ちょっと過ぎ。でも、もうそこそこ入ってた。the place was an order before hand type place and so, there were no carts milling around... :( i like seeing what's on the carts as i order for dim sum so that was kinda saddening. ま、でも、とりあえず色々注文してみた。シュウマイ、ハーガオ、ちまき、お粥、などなど。they were all pretty good. 基本は薄味みたい。でも、おいしかった。but, it's a bit pricey. i mean, there are some pretty good dim sum places that are really cheap. so it makes it seem even more expensive. ま、でも、超お腹一杯になりました。

afterwards, we had to go to ikea to do an exchange so we could finish with the kitchen cabinets. man, the house is taking a lot longer than expected to complete. もうホント早くして欲しい。時間掛かりすぎ。we are seriously almost done. but it's still doubtful as to whether or not we can move in by the end of january.... i hate that construction company with a passion!
and tonight, i had a bbq at a friends place. it's been a while since i've been to her house but her mom remembered me :) she's such a nice lady. ちょっと何を言ってるか分かりづらいけど...but yea, it was fun. i saw some people from high school that i haven't seen in a while and we talked about stuff. でも、やっぱりいつも遊んでる面子じゃないから、ちょっと浮いたかな。だから少し早く帰ってきたけどね。
but overall, it was a nice day. got to spend some quality time with friends and family. 母が居ないとこうも違うもんだと痛感しましたね。後半年くらい日本に居ればいいのに...
Currently listening to: No Strings Attached - N'Sync
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